Der Vorgang 14

Der erste Kontakt 14

Anzahl der Mails: 3

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Thank you very much for your email address. I am happy to contact you. I am happy about getting to know you and I would like to know much about you.I wish you all the best for your day, and hope to read from you soon. Much kisses.


Thank you very much for writing to me; it was really great talking to you. Well I ll take this opportunity to tell you about myself. my full name is Vida Akpalu,I m 5 7ft tall, average in body when describing, I have little brown hair and brown eyes,i also work as a cook.i am really a Swedish,and was raise there all my life.i have been in America also for my studies.
I like asking questions a lot so I sometimes become boring to others, I love meeting different kinds of people, people do like me a lot, why because of the warm welcome and a good reception I offer them, so I m kind of loving, caring, humble and social. I love reading a lot, I’m very creative especially when it comes to jokes,
I always compete with my friends with that, but no one comes out to be champion since we re all great when it comes to jokes. My favorite pet is cat, I love dogs but I m afraid of them. My past relationship wasn’t successful, but its cool because life still goes on, My aim in life is to achieve all the purposes that is in store for me and aside that to get someone who’s loving, sweet, caring and gentle to spend the rest of my life with, He should be my Mr. right.I m single, never married before, have no kids, I am somehow romantic and passionate, I have a little idea when it comes to love making, and at least have knowledge on how to please my man.
I can make you very happy. My favorite colour is sky pink . What’s yours? I also believe in honesty and straight forwardness, when I offend you, I didn’t mean to do that, so let me know and I ll quickly apologize, so please don’t keep it within you. I really love having fun a lot, I’m an outgoing girl, also knows how to take very good care of my self.hmmmm!!! What else do you want to know? Everything? Let me know and I ll tell you.What are some of your likes and dislike? Do you have any bad character? Are you bad tempered? Do you throw your hands when you get upset?What languages you speak?Have you narrowed down your specific desires as to what type of person you want to meet?
Do you believe in soul mates?Do you believe in love at first sight?Do you believe fate plays a hand in finding love?Do you think romance is an important part of a relationship? Why?
Let me know. How many women have you loved from your heart and how many have you had a nightstand? Do u smoke? Drink? Tell me more. I m a social drinker, never smoke.Please tell me everything about you; I’m going to show you my true gift of romance if the need ever arise.And when did u start using the Internet? I only started recently, tell me more about you.Thank you so much and hope to hear from you soon with some pictures.Take care.
... Please tell me more about you? reply me soon

goodmorning and how was your night.
It is very important for me to express to you how much you really mean to me. I wish I could do this in person while holding you in my arms and gazing into your eyes. But since we are far, this expression must come in the form of letters such as this.
Dear, I know it is difficult for you, as it is for me, to be separated for so long. Life seems to be full of trials of this type which test our inner strength, and more importantly, our devotion and love for one another. After all, it is said that True Love" is boundless and immeasurable and overcomes all forms of adversity. In truth, if it is genuine, it will grow stronger with each assault upon its existence.
I am away from you, the greater is my yearning to be with you again. . I cherish any thought of you, , and live for the day when our physical separation will no longer be.
Until that moment arrives, I send to you across the miles, my tender love, my warm embrace, and my most passionate kiss.
Love always,
Your baby