Der Vorgang 13664

Der erste Kontakt 13664

Anzahl der Mails: 6

Es wurden insgesamt -- 6 -- Datensätze gefunden.
Hallo Kunibert.
Es ist schön, dass ich auf meinen Brief geantwortet habe. Ich bin sehr froh, Ihre Antwort zu sehen. Vielen Dank für meine gute Laune jetzt. Wie ist Ihre Stimmung?
Danke, dass du mir die Bilder geschickt hast. Also, ich denke, ich sollte dir mehr über mich erzählen. Ich hoffe, Sie finden das interessant.
Wie ich dir in meinem letzten Brief sagte, ist mein name Anna, aber meine Freunde nennen mich Anya. Ich denke, du hast vermutet, dass Anya eine Ableitung in meinem Namen ist. Es wäre schön, wenn du mich so ansprichst. Meine Größe ist 169 cm, mein Gewicht beträgt 52 Kilogramm. Ich wurde geboren und Lebe mein ganzes Leben in Mariupol, Ukraine.
Ich war ein sehr neugieriges und aktives Kind. Als ich ein kleines Mädchen war, machte ich Ballett und ging in die Schwimmabteilung im Pool. Jetzt Besuche ich regelmäßig das Fitnessstudio, um meine Figur Fit zu halten. Sport ist für mich zu einem festen Bestandteil meines Lebens geworden. Ich genieße es, nach einem guten Training leichte Müdigkeit in meinem Körper zu spüren. Ich war schon immer daran interessiert, wie der menschliche Organismus funktioniert. Wahrscheinlich hat das die Wahl meines zukünftigen Berufs beeinflusst.
Ich kann mich rühmen, dass ich fließend Englisch und Deutsch bin, ich habe dieses wissen an der Universität. Ich bin ein Chiropraktiker durch Bildung. Ich absolvierte die Staatliche medizinische Universität der Ukraine. Nach dem Universitätsabschluss fand ich keinen job in meiner Spezialität in öffentlichen Krankenhäusern in meiner Stadt und arbeitete lange Zeit als Krankenschwester in einer Privatklinik. Leider ist dies nicht möglich, gutes Geld als Krankenschwester zu verdienen und so beschloss ich, dass ich in meiner Spezialität arbeiten sollte. Jetzt arbeite ich als Masseurin und mein Haupteinkommen ist eine therapeutische massage nicht nur für Erwachsene, sondern auch für Kinder.
In meiner letzten Beziehung war mein Mann eifersüchtig auf meinen job und so hatten wir häufige Kämpfe. Ich Verstand und respektierte seinen Unmut, als ich meine Klienten in unserem Haus massierte und meine Eifersucht nicht eindämmen konnte. Mit der Zeit wurde seine Eifersucht zu häufigen Skandalen und deshalb mussten wir uns trennen. Leider konnte er meine Arbeit nicht ruhig nehmen und oft war der Grund für den Skandal seine Erfindungen darüber, was passiert, wenn ich allein mit meinen Kunden bin. Ich habe mir nie erlaubt, Kunden mit erotischen Obertönen zu berühren, und ich habe Sie nie erlaubt, mich zu berühren. Für mich war es immer nur ein job. Es ist schade, dass er nie realisiert hat, dass ich als Frau aufgewachsen bin und ich keine gelegentlichen Affären akzeptieren kann, wenn ich in einer Beziehung mit einem Mann bin.
Ich bin eine Erwachsene Frau und weiß genau, was ich aus dem Leben will. Ich weiß, welche Art von Beziehung ich will und was das wichtigste für mich im Leben zusammen mit einem Mann ist. Ich denke, du solltest wissen, was ich in einem Mann Suche, um zu verstehen, was unsere gemeinsame Zukunft sein kann. Persönlich Suche ich nach einer person, die ein normales Leben teilt und ein Leben voller Liebe und Verständnis lebt. Ich will das Glück gewöhnlicher Frauen. Leben mit einer person, die ruhig über meine Arbeit sein wird und immer glücklich sein wird, Freizeit zusammen zu verbringen. Ich bin nicht eifersüchtig und loyal zu treffen mit den Freunden meines Mannes und seinen Hobbys. Ich denke, Sie werden mir Zustimmen, dass jeder das Recht auf persönlichen Raum in einer Beziehung hat. Jeder hat das Recht, Zeit ohne Ihre zweite Hälfte mit Ihren Freunden zu verbringen, wenn Sie es brauchen. Natürlich ist es toll, wenn Hobbys Zusammenfallen und dir die Möglichkeit geben, Zeit zusammen zu verbringen, aber ich bin überzeugt, dass du manchmal eine Pause machen musst, um zu fühlen, wie du deinen Seelenverwandten vermisst und willst. Heute habe ich einen freien Tag und ich Plane, Hausarbeit zu tun. Ich werde meinen Brief beenden und hoffe, dass deine Antwort mich nicht warten lässt.
Dein neuer Freund Anya.
Hello. I am sure that you didn t expect me to write you a letter first. Probably, you have a question why I write the letter exactly to you? I don t know, probably because want to make the first step.
What do you think, I m interested in your opinion? Today is a wonderful day for our acquaintance? In my opinion, today is wonderful day. I hope you will be happy if I tell you about myself?
Let s start, my parents gave me a name Anna, but many of my colleagues and acquaintances prefer to call me Anya. I was born and raised in Ukraine, in a small town Mariupol. Have you heard about my country before?
Where you live? I would be interested to know how far we are from each other. I forgot to say, now I am 29 y.o, I hope that you are not confused by my age, very soon I will have an anniversary, I will be 30 years old.
I have never smoked, and have a negative attitude to drugs. I don t drink strong alcohol, but I can drink a glass of champagne on the occasion of the holiday. I think that, and for me is not simply praise myself and tell about my strengths and weaknesses.
Frankly, I can say that I do not consider myself a special woman. I m not afraid to ruin my manicure when doing household chores or cooking breakfast. I don t like using too much makeup, but I will always want to look feminine and beautiful for my second half.
I think you re interested in knowing what kind of man I want to find, and why I decided to write you my letter? The answer is simple. I am looking for a man who could be my reliable friend and a guide in future life.
And I immediately must say that my intentions are sincere and I want to have a long-term perspective. I want to find a man with whom I can build a trusting relationship in which there is place for discussion and compromise.
I want to meet a simple, and honest person who can take me as I am. A person who can understand me with all my faults and virtues. Who will appreciate me and with understanding treat me and my work.
Probably you will be interested to know that my profession is a chiropractor, and I work in my specialty for 5 years. I hope that you have nothing against my profession:) I am constantly trying to learn something new in my work, and get useful experience.
Therefore, I often attend seminars in my country and abroad. I got a lot of good impressions from such seminars and had the opportunity to make friends with colleagues from other countries. I realized that the world is very diverse and multi-ethnic.
All people are different and differ from each other not only in appearance, but also in behavior. But, unfortunately, many men are just looking for quick sex and are not set serious relationship.
Perhaps this was the main reason for me to start looking for my man online. It would be great if our desires are the same and we will continue to communicate.
I will be very interested if you tell me about your hobbies, whether you have bad habits and how you spend your free time. I am sending you my photos and I will be happy if you reply me with a photo too.
I wish you a good mood and a wonderful day. I hope that your response will not take to wait a long time. Best wishes, Anya.
Hello. I am sure that you didn t expect me to write you a letter first. Probably, you have a question why I write the letter exactly to you? I don t know, probably because want to make the first step.
What do you think, I m interested in your opinion? Today is a wonderful day for our acquaintance? In my opinion, today is wonderful day. I hope you will be happy if I tell you about myself?
Let s start, my parents gave me a name Anna, but many of my colleagues and acquaintances prefer to call me Anya. I was born and raised in Ukraine, in a small town Mariupol. Have you heard about my country before?
Where you live? I would be interested to know how far we are from each other. I forgot to say, now I am 29 y.o, I hope that you are not confused by my age, very soon I will have an anniversary, I will be 30 years old.
I have never smoked, and have a negative attitude to drugs. I don t drink strong alcohol, but I can drink a glass of champagne on the occasion of the holiday. I think that, and for me is not simply praise myself and tell about my strengths and weaknesses.
Frankly, I can say that I do not consider myself a special woman. I m not afraid to ruin my manicure when doing household chores or cooking breakfast. I don t like using too much makeup, but I will always want to look feminine and beautiful for my second half.
I think you re interested in knowing what kind of man I want to find, and why I decided to write you my letter? The answer is simple. I am looking for a man who could be my reliable friend and a guide in future life.
And I immediately must say that my intentions are sincere and I want to have a long-term perspective. I want to find a man with whom I can build a trusting relationship in which there is place for discussion and compromise.
I want to meet a simple, and honest person who can take me as I am. A person who can understand me with all my faults and virtues. Who will appreciate me and with understanding treat me and my work.
Probably you will be interested to know that my profession is a chiropractor, and I work in my specialty for 5 years. I hope that you have nothing against my profession:) I am constantly trying to learn something new in my work, and get useful experience.
Therefore, I often attend seminars in my country and abroad. I got a lot of good impressions from such seminars and had the opportunity to make friends with colleagues from other countries. I realized that the world is very diverse and multi-ethnic.
All people are different and differ from each other not only in appearance, but also in behavior. But, unfortunately, many men are just looking for quick sex and are not set serious relationship.
Perhaps this was the main reason for me to start looking for my man online. It would be great if our desires are the same and we will continue to communicate.
I will be very interested if you tell me about your hobbies, whether you have bad habits and how you spend your free time. I am sending you my photos and I will be happy if you reply me with a photo too.
I wish you a good mood and a wonderful day. I hope that your response will not take to wait a long time. Best wishes, Anya.
Hello. I am sure that you didn t expect me to write you a letter first. Probably, you have a question why I write the letter exactly to you? I don t know, probably because want to make the first step.
What do you think, I m interested in your opinion? Today is a wonderful day for our acquaintance? In my opinion, today is wonderful day. I hope you will be happy if I tell you about myself?
Let s start, my parents gave me a name Anna, but many of my colleagues and acquaintances prefer to call me Anya. I was born and raised in Ukraine, in a small town Mariupol. Have you heard about my country before?
Where you live? I would be interested to know how far we are from each other. I forgot to say, now I am 29 y.o, I hope that you are not confused by my age, very soon I will have an anniversary, I will be 30 years old.
I have never smoked, and have a negative attitude to drugs. I don t drink strong alcohol, but I can drink a glass of champagne on the occasion of the holiday. I think that, and for me is not simply praise myself and tell about my strengths and weaknesses.
Frankly, I can say that I do not consider myself a special woman. I m not afraid to ruin my manicure when doing household chores or cooking breakfast. I don t like using too much makeup, but I will always want to look feminine and beautiful for my second half.
I think you re interested in knowing what kind of man I want to find, and why I decided to write you my letter? The answer is simple. I am looking for a man who could be my reliable friend and a guide in future life.
And I immediately must say that my intentions are sincere and I want to have a long-term perspective. I want to find a man with whom I can build a trusting relationship in which there is place for discussion and compromise.
I want to meet a simple, and honest person who can take me as I am. A person who can understand me with all my faults and virtues. Who will appreciate me and with understanding treat me and my work.
Probably you will be interested to know that my profession is a chiropractor, and I work in my specialty for 5 years. I hope that you have nothing against my profession:) I am constantly trying to learn something new in my work, and get useful experience.
Therefore, I often attend seminars in my country and abroad. I got a lot of good impressions from such seminars and had the opportunity to make friends with colleagues from other countries. I realized that the world is very diverse and multi-ethnic.
All people are different and differ from each other not only in appearance, but also in behavior. But, unfortunately, many men are just looking for quick sex and are not set serious relationship.
Perhaps this was the main reason for me to start looking for my man online. It would be great if our desires are the same and we will continue to communicate.
I will be very interested if you tell me about your hobbies, whether you have bad habits and how you spend your free time. I am sending you my photos and I will be happy if you reply me with a photo too.
I wish you a good mood and a wonderful day. I hope that your response will not take to wait a long time. Best wishes, Anya.
Hello. I am sure that you didn t expect me to write you a letter first. Probably, you have a question why I write the letter exactly to you? I don t know, probably because want to make the first step.
What do you think, I m interested in your opinion? Today is a wonderful day for our acquaintance? In my opinion, today is wonderful day. I hope you will be happy if I tell you about myself?
Let s start, my parents gave me a name Anna, but many of my colleagues and acquaintances prefer to call me Anya. I was born and raised in Ukraine, in a small town Mariupol. Have you heard about my country before?
Where you live? I would be interested to know how far we are from each other. I forgot to say, now I am 29 y.o, I hope that you are not confused by my age, very soon I will have an anniversary, I will be 30 years old.
I have never smoked, and have a negative attitude to drugs. I don t drink strong alcohol, but I can drink a glass of champagne on the occasion of the holiday. I think that, and for me is not simply praise myself and tell about my strengths and weaknesses.
Frankly, I can say that I do not consider myself a special woman. I m not afraid to ruin my manicure when doing household chores or cooking breakfast. I don t like using too much makeup, but I will always want to look feminine and beautiful for my second half.
I think you re interested in knowing what kind of man I want to find, and why I decided to write you my letter? The answer is simple. I am looking for a man who could be my reliable friend and a guide in future life.
And I immediately must say that my intentions are sincere and I want to have a long-term perspective. I want to find a man with whom I can build a trusting relationship in which there is place for discussion and compromise.
I want to meet a simple, and honest person who can take me as I am. A person who can understand me with all my faults and virtues. Who will appreciate me and with understanding treat me and my work.
Probably you will be interested to know that my profession is a chiropractor, and I work in my specialty for 5 years. I hope that you have nothing against my profession:) I am constantly trying to learn something new in my work, and get useful experience.
Therefore, I often attend seminars in my country and abroad. I got a lot of good impressions from such seminars and had the opportunity to make friends with colleagues from other countries. I realized that the world is very diverse and multi-ethnic.
All people are different and differ from each other not only in appearance, but also in behavior. But, unfortunately, many men are just looking for quick sex and are not set serious relationship.
Perhaps this was the main reason for me to start looking for my man online. It would be great if our desires are the same and we will continue to communicate.
I will be very interested if you tell me about your hobbies, whether you have bad habits and how you spend your free time. I am sending you my photos and I will be happy if you reply me with a photo too.
I wish you a good mood and a wonderful day. I hope that your response will not take to wait a long time. Best wishes, Anya.
Hello. I am sure that you didn t expect me to write you a letter first. Probably, you have a question why I write the letter exactly to you? I don t know, probably because want to make the first step.
What do you think, I m interested in your opinion? Today is a wonderful day for our acquaintance? In my opinion, today is wonderful day. I hope you will be happy if I tell you about myself?
Let s start, my parents gave me a name Anna, but many of my colleagues and acquaintances prefer to call me Anya. I was born and raised in Ukraine, in a small town Mariupol. Have you heard about my country before?
Where you live? I would be interested to know how far we are from each other. I forgot to say, now I am 29 y.o, I hope that you are not confused by my age, very soon I will have an anniversary, I will be 30 years old.
I have never smoked, and have a negative attitude to drugs. I don t drink strong alcohol, but I can drink a glass of champagne on the occasion of the holiday. I think that, and for me is not simply praise myself and tell about my strengths and weaknesses.
Frankly, I can say that I do not consider myself a special woman. I m not afraid to ruin my manicure when doing household chores or cooking breakfast. I don t like using too much makeup, but I will always want to look feminine and beautiful for my second half.
I think you re interested in knowing what kind of man I want to find, and why I decided to write you my letter? The answer is simple. I am looking for a man who could be my reliable friend and a guide in future life.
And I immediately must say that my intentions are sincere and I want to have a long-term perspective. I want to find a man with whom I can build a trusting relationship in which there is place for discussion and compromise.
I want to meet a simple, and honest person who can take me as I am. A person who can understand me with all my faults and virtues. Who will appreciate me and with understanding treat me and my work.
Probably you will be interested to know that my profession is a chiropractor, and I work in my specialty for 5 years. I hope that you have nothing against my profession:) I am constantly trying to learn something new in my work, and get useful experience.
Therefore, I often attend seminars in my country and abroad. I got a lot of good impressions from such seminars and had the opportunity to make friends with colleagues from other countries. I realized that the world is very diverse and multi-ethnic.
All people are different and differ from each other not only in appearance, but also in behavior. But, unfortunately, many men are just looking for quick sex and are not set serious relationship.
Perhaps this was the main reason for me to start looking for my man online. It would be great if our desires are the same and we will continue to communicate.
I will be very interested if you tell me about your hobbies, whether you have bad habits and how you spend your free time. I am sending you my photos and I will be happy if you reply me with a photo too.
I wish you a good mood and a wonderful day. I hope that your response will not take to wait a long time. Best wishes, Anya.