Der Vorgang 17813

Der erste Kontakt 17813

Anzahl der Mails: 1

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Hey there!

I do not really know how to start this letter.

OK start by saying that I am writing to
a guy on the web for the very first time.

I m very thrilled and lost.

Are you free? Are you looking for
a woman for sharing your life and making a family?

Right now I want to find a fellow who will give
all his love to me just like I would do for him.! I need a person to start
love with!

You made me feel unusually excited.

My name is Lyubov. Iam looking forward to your answer to my letter. Write me asap, please! I was able to touch
ur emotions and that our chat will go on.

I will be looking forward to your message on my email:

Have many enjoyable moments every single day! So long!

Missing you, Lyubov