Der Vorgang 24213

Der erste Kontakt 24213

Anzahl der Mails: 1

Der RevFather

300.000,00 Dollar (Anzahl: 1)

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I am happy to inform you about my progress concerning the charity project, even though I am still terminally sick and anything could happen to me at any given time. Anyway, I have never been afraid of death.
Actually, after you betrayed my confidence in you (or rather disappointed me), I decided to entrust the money for the charity and the charity project in general to a godly woman in Haiti. Luckily, the bank quickly and successfully transferred the money to her care and she started the project without hesitation. I am grateful to God for always using me to touch the lives of the poor people locally and internationally. You have to blame yourself for making it impossible for me to help the poor people in your locality as I had wished to.

Anyway, I will give you a second chance. I will tell my bank to transfer to your care the last money, USD300,000 (three hundred thousand US dollars), in my possession to help a few poor people around you. I know that this USD300,000 (three hundred thousand US dollars) is a small amount compared to the previous amount, which has been used to help the poor people in Haiti, it can still solve the problems of a few poor people there. And you can take 10% of it for your personal use.

Send me a bank account (indicate the bank name, bank account name, bank account number, and the name of the country where the bank is located) where a bank will transfer the money to your care. Once more, my health gets worse with each passing moment.
Take care and remain Blessed.