Der Vorgang 25764

Der erste Kontakt 25764

Anzahl der Mails: 4

Es wurden insgesamt -- 4 -- Datensätze gefunden.
My name is Monica Moore, a member of the Ukraine Army based in Ukraine.

I am writing to you for a partnership relation with you if you are willing to show me your honesty and trust to handle this for me.

xxx a few days ago I discovered one package containing american dollars in one of the bases in Ukraine. That package has been deposited with a
finance/ security company in Ukraine.

I want you to assist me in receiving the fund in the package before I come over and join you. Please, I want this to be between me and you since I am still in the army.

To Prove our sincerity, We both should be honest with ourselves and be trustworthy because without trust and honestly nothing works in this life.

I look forward to your prompt reply to enable us move forward and I will get back to you ASAP with details.

Cpt. Mohika Moore
Dear xxx ,

This is to acknowledge the receipt of your mail and as well as to commend you for your strong determination and steadfastness to ensure we successfully conclude this transaction. I plead with you to take your time and read my email very well for a better understanding.

I do really appreciate you getting back to me. Be rest assured that this transaction is 100% legal and 100% risk free. I do assure you that you stand to gain enormously from this deal if we both receive the cooperation desired for the success of a transaction of this nature.

xxx a few weeks ago l noticed that there was a hidden door in the wardrobe that leads to an underground cellar. What l discovered in the underground cellar was quite revealing. l discovered One suitcase stashed with United States dollars. Ever since this discovery l have been unable to concentrate as I have been confused on the exact action to take. l have informed no one. l do not intend to inform the authority. l intend to help myself. I have been weighing a lot of options on how best to make these funds my own without the knowledge of the authority.

As you must be aware the American troops served with distinction. There is strict observance to rules and ordinance. There is also a systematic probing and investigation of all troops to make sure that there are no unlawful activities. We are trained to report any suspicious movement involving anybody that might tarnish the image of America. Because of this singular fact it has been very difficult for me to tell any one nor spend a dollar out of the money. I have tried to carry on as if all is well with me.

If l miss this opportunity I will ever live to regret my inaction as it is an opportunity for me to be financially solvent forever. I need your help in order to make this a reality.

l deposited the truck in a box with a finance company . Once all arrangements are on ground the fund in the Suitcase will leave to your destination.

All I need to do is to file in your name as the receiver of the suitcase which will be done according to the Ukraine Law to avoid any problem.

This is where you come in. Your duties or responsibility will be to receive the Suitcase which contains the money from the Agent Representative by the finance company. You are to keep it safe until I come to meet with you where we will discuss the terms for sharing and engage in partnership while investing.

Using an agent who will deliver the Suitcase to you at your country of destination will make the process completely risk free. The worst scenario is that the agent representative will be sent back with the Suitcase if there is any suspicion. He cannot be arrested, the Suitcase cannot be impounded. He will merely be returned to the country he is coming from.

I need your trust,so that I can rely on you. I need you to be truthful, frank and honest.I need you to agree to assist me and be involved throughout the period the process will last. I want to count on you to act as a genuine and an interested party. I want you to go through this email carefully and get back to me. We can begin to discuss further details once I hear from you through email.

Thanks for providing some of your details. Can you tell me your feull name? Full address and personal phone number.

This will enable me to get the relevant documents in your name before the suitcase leaves.

For utmost confidentiality I will appreciate that all our communication is done through email.

Best regards,

CPT. Mohika Moore
Did you receive my last email? Kindly respond.

Cpt. Mohika Moore
Dear xxx

So sorry for my late response. Like l said l will always respond to emails fast since I am heading my unit here in Ukraine.

Attached is my passport. Please send me your passport too.

I will be waiting to hear from you.

Mohika Moore