Der Vorgang 26288

Der erste Kontakt 26288

Anzahl der Mails: 1

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Hello my friend.
Wish you wonderful mood.,
My name is Lena!.
I will immediately inform you the essence of my message.!
I am in search of the second half for a stable relationship..
I just received your e-mail at a dating agency.,
Collected my thoughts and write you letter.
If you are true not married man who looking for stable relationship with a woman, then we could start our communication.!
To do this reply to my letter.,
I think that distance not a hindrance to our communication.?
I heard about many examples where men and women from different countries manage to find each other,.
I know that each of us has the right to be happy and should at least once in life take the first step to find this is incredible happiness.!

And so I m doing it!.
Probably I need a little more tell you about myself.?
Let s leave this for next letter..
I promise to tell more about myself in my following letter and also to attach more than mine image.
If you are not interested, then I am sorry for the inconvenience,.
Answer me only if you are interested strong relationship.
I will wait for the reciprocal letter with huge impatience. Good luck..