Der Vorgang 29523

Der erste Kontakt 29523

Anzahl der Mails: 3

Es wurden insgesamt -- 3 -- Datensätze gefunden.
Hello. My name is Maria. This is the first time I'm trying online dating.

I live in Ukraine. I hope this isn't a problem for you? And where do you live? I am thirty years old, have never been married and have no children. I'm not here to play. I'm just looking for a serious relationship and no lies.

I decided to try my luck and just find a person with whom I could connect my life. I don't know what could come of it since this is my first experience with such meetings, but I decided to give it a try. And you? Have you had a similar experience with a woman from another country? My goal now is to find love because I'm tired of being alone. Maybe I have the opportunity to find love in another country.

At 30, one thing became clear to me: time passes quickly and none of us are getting any younger. I wish you a real romance in which care, understanding and trust prevail.

I don't want to force the conversation, and if you're truly curious, please respond as best you can. If you are not looking for anything serious then just skip it.

Are you from the United States of America?

Have a nice day!


I decided to make a video and show that I am real, honest and open to you
from the very beginning. Thank you for your email) Nice to meet you) How
was your day? I would like to tell you a little about myself and my life. I
live in Ukraine, in the small town of Krasnodon. I hope this is not a
problem for you? My parents are role models for me. They have always been
an example of an ideal relationship for me. They are typical Soviet
intellectuals and gave me a decent upbringing. Also, I take them as an
example of how they approach their work. They supported me in choosing a
profession. And thanks to them, now I don’t regret my profession, and I
really like my job. I consider myself a full-fledged person. I always go
towards the goal that I set for myself. Besides work, I have other
interests and hobbies. I play sports and spend time with friends. How do
you spend your days? What are you doing in your free time? What are your
interests and hobbies? Many people think that I am a happy person, but in
fact I am not. When I come home from work, I feel lonely. It seems to me
that happiness and love are important things in a person’s life. I would
like my partner to be a strong person and support me. I want to find the
right man, love him and give him all my love and care. I think that's my
main goal now.
I will be glad if you answer my questions)

чт, 4 апр. 2024 г. в 22:30, xxx xxx :

Good day,
I didn't receive a response from you. I would like to continue getting to
know you. Write to me if you are also interested.

ср, 10 апр. 2024 г. в 02:25, CutePeony :