Der Vorgang 333
Jane Olatunbosun
Der erste Kontakt 333
Anzahl der Mails: 1

Mailtext |
My name is Jane Olatunbosun Mathias, I have got married once and have 1 kid.but now we both divorce. My Father is from the UK.. While my Mother is from Bosnia.. But am presently living and working here in WEST AFRICA, THE GAMBIA. I work as a Teacher, in a City town under the name of Banjul. I recently felt i should try my luck in my search for the Right man and in a consequence to create a very happy family! am out here just to try and see if I will get the right man for me and I believe it would take our time to learn more about each other. I have fallen out of love before and was so hurt when it happened, So do not want a repeat of that.I have been out of a relationship for about 3years now and want make this the last time before getting married finally and have a good happy family.
Here are little Details about me: My age of 32 years. My height is 5ft 6 inches. My weight of 64 kgs. Color of eyes Black. I do not drink and I do not smoke. My relationships interest: Marriage. LITTLE ABOUT WHOM AM SEARCHING FOR: Whom I want to find!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Decent, sociable, independent, resolute, kind, in general of the present the man in the age of 40 to 70 years! A man which will allow me to be myself. A man, lover,husband,friend,father of my future children all in one... I want to find a man with a soft heart,but with firm character, tender and strong (not without mind) and with good sense of humor, not a boring man. Understanding, quiet guy, an independent and interesting person. Single, for serious relationship. He should be the best, dear, to relatives, native, kind, gentle, tender, sympathetic, self-denying... Also it is dream... But it would be much desirable,that you are such for me, in heart because I shall grow fond to you ,I shall grow fond with all my heart and for ever, A man that will be beside me in pleasure and mountain, illnesses and health... I very much want, that our expectations from relations are identical meaning that we have a lot in common. I search extremely for a normal, human, and also long, painful, kind and gentle relations! I will wait to hear from you soon and hope we can chat soon.I do hope you like it and get back to me soon.Lots of Love and Care, and, I will want you to know that, I also have a kid name Jessica. And i hope that is not a problem...I will try and send you some of my pictures. am just new to this, i have not done this before as well.I hope to read from you soonest. and also more about you. Regards, Jane Mathias. |