Der Vorgang 368

Der erste Kontakt 368

Anzahl der Mails: 4

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Hello xxxxx,

How are you today, tell me a little more about yourself. You can also ask any questions.

Dear xxxxx,

Thanks for writing to me, your mails are refreshing. I like that you are open about yourself.

Sounds like you are busy, but its not a problem for me, I understand. I wish I could work a little more but its difficult with kids, so have to have a balance.

Yes it is better to write in one´s mother tongue, one can express oneself better.
A little more about moi,

I´m originally from Zimbabwe. I moved from there many years ago due to the political problems there maybe you have heard of Mugabe. anyway, my ex husband was German and we lived together there, we married in Augsburg, my last name is Obermayer but dont laugh.

We then moved to the U.S. then Central America. My ex still lives there he doesnt live in Germany- funny isnt it. Im here and he is out there. Any way I moved to Germany for medical reasons for my daughter, she had cancer in the eye and her treatment were done here is Essen. So to avoid traveling up and down I decided to come to Germany. It was a stressful time but I managed. She is fine now.

I have one sister who lives in Australia, parents are back home, they have retired now and take care of the farms but we keep in touch regularly. rest of the family is in Canada, UK, the States etc. we are all a little scattered around. Its nice though one can visit. I was in London last Autumn to visit an old friend of mine and it was great seeing her after a long time - 17years. She came to Germany in first in April then my daughter and I visited her. We had a lovely time.

I will attach photos of my kids and I. They are great kids and easy going.

Living here has its ups and downs, its not easy to meet the right people and can be a little frustrating so that´s why I joined the site. I have had one or two boyfriends since I came but am alone at present.

I am looking for good friendships and companionship, and more later if the chemistry is right.

If you have need any help with your reporting in English I can proof read your documents for you, no problem, I do that for my clients too, so I don t mind.

Thats all for now,

Take care and don t work too hard.
Dear xxxxx,

Good evening. I was a little tired from the day yesterday so didn´t write much. Thanks for your mail, and no you don t write too much. I enjoy reading your mails.
So here are the photos I promised.

Hope you were not too busy today.
Take care
Hello xxxxx,

Hope you are well and that the week was not too busy. Don´t forget too much work is not so good. I hope you will take some time to relax over the weekend.

My kids and I are going to a Thanksgiving dinner with some friends this evening, so there will be lots of food, drink and conversation. I´m looking forward to it.
I was hoping that you would call some time, so maybe when you find a moment it would be nice. I prefer to talk than write, its quicker and one can say more.

Have a nice weekend.
Take care