Der Vorgang 438
Der erste Kontakt 438
Anzahl der Mails: 8
Der RevFather
300.000,00 Dollar (Anzahl: 1)
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Mailtext |
Hello Dear!
How are you doing presently,I hope this my mail will reach you in good condition of health,I will really like to have a good relationship with you and I have a special reason why I decided to contact you because of the urgency of my situation here because i want to join you over there if possible now.First,My name is Miss.Juliansanka,Am 23years old girl from Liberia,the only daughter of late Prof.Wilton Gbakolo Sengbe Sankawulo.who was a politician and a writer.He died after a brief illness,my lovely mother and two of my brothers including my only sisters died after the burial Ceremony of my father,as a result of food poison. I am constrained to contact you because of the maltreatment I am receiving from my step mother. She planned to take away all my late father s treasury and properties from me since the unexpected death of my beloved Father.Her aim was to kill me. Meanwhile,I wanted to escape to the Europe but she hide away my international passport and other valuable traveling documents. Luckily she did not discover where I kept my Father s File which contains important documents. So I decided to run to the refugee camp where I am presently seeking asylum under the United Nations High Commission for the Refugee here in Dakar, Republic of Senegal. I want you to understand more about my situation here in the camp, I am e-mailing you from the office of the Rev.Father who is Priest at the church in the refugee camp, I have explained to him a little about my life though not everything, i told the Rev.Father about my communication with you and he permitted me to access my e-mail in his office computer twice a day, here in the refugee camp, meanwhile life is just not easy since I don t have any body here to take care of me. I don t have access to further my education, no access to clean water, no access to good food here in the refugee camp, life has not been easy for me. I m only surviving through the help of the Rev. Father Emmanuel Johnson who is the priest at the church in the refugee camp, he has permitted me to be receiving phone calls from you through his office telephone(+221 76 636 1333 )call me because i don,t have any money with me here for now ok, remember to ask of me Miss.Juliansanka . the Liberia girl when you will call. As soon as I receive your positive response showing your interest I will put things into action immediately. In the light of the above, I shall appreciate an urgent message indicating your ability and willingness to help me out sincerely. I am staying at the female hostel. Awaiting your urgent and positive response. Please do keep this only to your self please I beg you not to disclose it till I come over, I hope my explanation is very clear but if you need further clarification, then send in your questions.below attach is my picture and i need yours in your next mail please. Thanks as i hoping to hear from you soon. Yours Dearly. Miss.Juliansanka. |
Hello Dear xxx.
Additional to your mail, I want you to know that i am not surprise to met you because i pray over it before i start to search and i believe i have seen my heart and is you if you allow both of us to build the relationship together because age does not matter in any good relationship,What matters alot is love and understanding, So i am more than happy to met you in life because when i look at your beautiful photos makes me to almost failing in love while we have never seen each other but i strongly believe it will be soon because my desire is also yours,Listen HONEY xxx.KINDLY be truthful with me because i really need truth serious man in my life who will make me happy again since i lost every thing around me. But i believe i have seen the right man today which is you,Dear i have heard all you have just said both some thing you dislike:smoke,drink and gamble,That s not good OK.And i want you to know that my purpose of been here is to search for true love, good man i will live together forever and we plan our future together and build up a good family and raise our children please if you know your not for real please leave me on time before you break my heart because some word i read from you today just took my heart to be together with you, Dear i promise not to break your heart too because i have made up mine mind to be with you,and i also promise you that you will have erotic and sex in me but at the end never think of breaking my heart or i will just kill my self for you.Dear i want us to meet real in Germany if you can be strong and made up your mind,but the problem will be my travelling documents to join you because i lost my documents when this happen and i don t know if you can help for that because is the only delay we are going to have now,or if you can come down here to pick me so we can go to the offices together and get all the necessary travelling documents they might need from me at the air port to move together with you at the same time,in fact i will be the happiest woman to see you here in Africa so we can get my travelling documents together after our marriage.i will wait for your answer to know if you can be capable to help me out of this nasty and painful place that i am into now to join you soon in Germany before some thing bad happen to me here because people are dying here every day, However,After reading from you.I meet the priest R Johnson Emmanuel here to let him know about you because he is like a father to many refugees here,so he agreed and said he will need your full data below and after your details,that he will direct me to a brother who works at immigration office so we can discus about helping me to get my international passport first because i can not do it alone due to my status here and the law of this camp and you knows that, Below is my full details and i need yours for the rev father OK......... 1. My Full Name :JULIAN SANKAWULO 2. My Contact Cell Phone Number:+221 76 636 1333 call and ask the assistant man of God that you want to speak with me because i have already tell him about you and he agreed. 3.My Age: My real Age is next Jun 8 /10/1986, 4. My Sex/Status:female 5. My Occupations:student 6. My Country and City:Dakar Senegal s 7. My Full Home/Office Address:Rue 12 x 174 block 5 MEDINA st xxx church. PLEASE I NEED YOURS BELOW OK..................................... 1. Your Full Name: 2. Your Contact Cell Phone Number: 3. Your Age: 4. Your Sex/Status: 5. Your Occupations: 6. Your Country and City: 7. Your Full Home/Office Address: 8. A Copy of Your Passport SIZE: Thanks for the sweet photos,and please answer me this question?why you did like to get a wife until now?And also tell me how many girl friends you have now? I am waiting your urgent reply with love and trust,Here is some of my photos for you alone and send some of yours in your next letter and remember to call me OK,I want to join you soon because the hunger here is dangerous,even i have not eating any thing since yesterday only bread and mineral and today no i need your help seriously please Dear xxx. Yours In love Julian and xxx. |
Are you ok?iF yes please kindly talk to me because i have been worried all day to read from you. Yours un happy one Julian |
Hello Dear
Please kindly tell me what is going on because i have been worried to read from you since your last letter. Yours Julian |
Hello Dear
Please kindly tell me what is going on because i have been worried to read from you since your last letter. Yours Julian |
Hello Dear
This is not what will make you to stop writing me because after writing to the site the same day i come to check if you write me and i don t know what i click on the believe this is what will make the web master from Way Date site.! delete my profile,even i don t even know because i don t have time to go to the site again since i have seen you and be in love with you.your the person that makes me to know that my profile was deleted but that will not cost both of us any thing,we can build of relationship and start from here because i truly need a good man to rest for my life because this is the only thing that will makes woman happy as a woman. so kindly tell me what you suggest concerning the letters i sent to you so i will know if you can come down here to pick me or if i will be coming to join you. i will wait to read from you with love and trust Yours Julian |
i want you to know that a woman always like to make two or three friends before she will chose the best to follow because no woman on this earth that like to suffer after her marriage,so sending letter to 2 men those not mean i love them,since i have choose you and made up my mind to be with you. Remember i want real relationship with you,that was the reason i will be the happiest woman to see you face to face here.please never disappoint me because i will never do. But let me ask you a question?as you said you saw my profile in a scammer.what did you suggest concerning this our relationship? I will wait to read from you yours Juline |
I am very happy to inform you about my success in getting the fund transferred under the co-operation of a new partner from Paraguay. Presently I am in Paraguay for investment projects with my own share of the total sum. Meanwhile, I didn t forget your past efforts and attempts to assist me in transferring the funds despite that it failed us some how. Now you will need to contact the Rev Father Johnson Emmaunel whom used to be a God-father to me when i was in Dakar, his name is Rev Father Johnson Emmaunel and his email address is as follows:( ) Ask him to send you a certified bank draft of $300.000.00 which I prepared and kept for your compensation for all the past efforts and attempts to assist me in this matter. I appreciated your efforts at that time very much. so feel free and get in touched with Rev Father Johnson Emmaunel and instruct him where to send you the draft cheque. Please do let me know immediately you receive it so that we can share our joy and happiness after all the sufferings at that time. In the moment, I am very busy here because of the investment projects which me and the new partner are having at hand, finally, remember that I had forwarded instruction to Rev Father Johnson Emmaunel on your behalf to receive that money. Therefore feel free to get in touch with him and he will send the cheque to you without delay. Take care and bye for now. Yours Truly, Julian. |