Der Vorgang 493

Der erste Kontakt 493

Anzahl der Mails: 3

Die Transfersumme

2.300.000,00 Dollar (Anzahl: 1)

Es wurden insgesamt -- 3 -- Datensätze gefunden.
Hello dearest
How are you doing today how was your days With all my hope that you are keeping good by the special grace of our good lord i also thank you so much for your urgent reply, dearest I am writting this letter with due respect and heartful of tears since we have not known or meet ourselves previously I am asking for your assistance after I have gone through your profile that speaks good of you. I want to find out if it s possible for you to deal with individual as to investment. My dear i will be so glad if you can allow me and lead me to the right channel towards your assistance to my situation now. I will make my proposal well known to you. I would like to use this opportunity to introduce myself to you. my name is binta Desmond , a citizen of Goma North Kivou, of Republique democratique Du Congo, in Central Africa. I am 25 years old ; my birthday was 8 June , 1985. I hold a certificate in general Nursing , i am hoping to further my education in this career. I am never married and don t have children. I am fair in complexion and of average heigth ; my picks explains to you better.
I m extremely down-to-earth and confident girl, and not to mention, charming as people used to tell me. I value the many facets of life and love. I m always sensitive to the environment that surrounds me and that includes finding happiness, peace, and of course love and adoration. I love to laugh and smile with good friends. I enjoy going to dinner movies, beaches, mostly all outdoor activities. I am a confident, well rounded me, responsible, intelligent, and very hardworking mature girl. I like to spend at home with a movies and snacks. I am easy to please, if you treat me with respect and honest. I was about enrolling to have a master s degree in nursing /midwifery before, myself and my family suffered a tragedy out of civil war in my country and several political unrest.i am daughter of late Dr.Tahir Desmond my late father was a successful top business man in my country, he deals with importation of foodstuff like rice, salt and sugar from Thailand and Europe.He is now in exile, before the rebels attacked our house one early morning killing my mother and my father It was only me that is alive now, and i managed to make my way to near by country,here in Senegal.i never like tragedy and i never wish to witness it ever again in my life.

Life is really so hard over here and presently the Senegalese government have been so kind to grant me asylum and i am presently residing in the refugee camp of this country Here is very restricted and one is never allowed to move out without this country s residence permit. I can be contacted by through the telephone of the church through the Reverend father who provides moral rehabilitation to the inmates of this camp. he is the general over seer of the church over here in the camp, he has been very nice to everyone of us here,

The main reason why I am contacting you now is to seeking for your assistance in the area of my future investment and also to help me to transfer the money that my late father deposited when he was alive he deposited some amount of money in a leading bank in London (UK) which he used my name as the next of kin,the amount in question is $2.3M (Two Million three Hundred Thousand US Dollars). i am now in Senegal i saw this countries to be the most peaceful and secured country in Africa this is reason why i headed to this country as a refugee. he made this deposit some years back,the money was deposited as a family treasure which i am the nest of kin. I am now asking you to stand on my behalf as my partner, and in time of claiming the money and investment as well. I have made up my mind to live this country So i will like you to be aware of this and see how possible you can assist me get this money transferred to your account and from it you can send some money for me to get my travelling documents or for you to come over here and pick me up to visit you. i will like the money to go into a productive business for me and you, if you can take me as your Daugherty or your wife to manage the money, As I have mention earlier I will make the procedure to this transaction to be well know to you. I will be very glad if you will take me to be a part of you , and i would like to develop a love relationship with you and i pray that we will be happy with each other , living together as God may have it, and raising our children happily together.

I have just attached one of my pictures for you and i would like to see some of yours .I hope to see some of your picks
Please accept my best and warmest regards .
With all the love in the world please write to me . i will give you the full information about on how your are going to make everything successfull.
Hoping to hear from you soon.
May God bless you as you extend your helping hand to an orphan like me in this point of time .
Yours faithfully

Miss binta
Hello dearest

My love Eduard,how are you doing today over there in your country how was your night i hope that you slept well als how is your work and also how condition of your health which is the most important to me,if so honey thanks be to god for making everything possible for you ok,my love thank you so much for your mail and also your lovely nice pictures which you sent to me,honey i have read and have my eyes to your pictures and i have make up my mind to be with you in your country as your lovely wife ok,
honey after going through your mail and your very point,firstly i want to let you know that your english is ok with me and i promise to teach you more english as soon as am together with you in your country as your partner ok,honey i have heard much of what you have pass through in your country germany in the sake of looking for a girl who will be your wife and i want to let you know my love that good things dont come easy way and i want you to understand that my life and other ladies from germany are not the same.
honey i dont have to speak much for you but first of all i want to let you know that i am not fine here in the camp because of the condition and the suffering am passing through here in the camp and that is why am crying for help and after reading your mail that you like my profile and you will like me to come to germany as your wife i was very happy once again in my life start thanking god who brings you in my life and i promise to build a good family with you once am with you ok.

my love i hope you understand very well what and where am going because understanding is the first time two partner should have in their life first before any other thing so honey my very point now is that i will be very happy to move out from here and join you in your country very soon for happiness with you but the problem now is my condition,honey i want to use the opporunity to ask you whether you will help me out from here so that i can get my traveling document to come to yourcountry germany or honey can you make it to come down here so that i will go back with you together in your country ok,
honey in my first mail to you i told you that age or colour have noting to do with true love and about your age is ok with me because you have see the things of the world and i believe that we are going to live very well in your country because your likes is also my likes,
1) i dont smoke
2)i dont drink
my love you said something about sex,yes i want you to know that sex is good but is very good when you are having it with the person god have make two you for it and i prmise to do everything which will make you happy once am with you in your country and also my love my love with you will add long life in your leaving in this earth because i will do everything that will make you happy in life ok,
honey here is our rev fathers phone number(00221-774-883-868)his name is rev father jude william,honey please i will be very happy if you will try and give me a call with this number anytime you have the chance so that i can hear your lovely voice on phone also my love you can send your own phone number to me so that i can flash you with our rev fathers number then you can call me back ok
honey here is my picture please have a look on it and get back to me with your plan and mind about me ok
yours wife to be
Hello dearest

My love are you ok with your health and work over there in your country,i hope that you received my mail which i sent to you two or three days ego after reading your mail,please my love this is for you to know that my love for you is two strong so please i will be very happy if you can make a chance to send me a mail so that i will know your plan and mind about me ok
yours awaiting girl
binta desmond