Der Vorgang 495

Der erste Kontakt 495

Anzahl der Mails: 2

Die Transfersumme

3.700.000,00 Dollar (Anzahl: 1)

Die Telefonnummern


Es wurden insgesamt -- 2 -- Datensätze gefunden.
My Dearest,
I am more than happy in your reply to my mail. How is your day?.
Thanks for the opportunity you have given me. I will really like to have a good relationship with you and I promise to be kind with you.

My Dear, I have a special reason why I decided to contact you. I have not been in your country before but I will really like to come there by special grace of God. My name is Jessy, an orphan from Rwanda. I lost all members of my family in the on going civil war in my country. Let this not worry you dear. I am a medical student studying medicine and I am 24years single girl.

Meanwhile,I am the only daughter of late (Dr Isaac Arumue) who was the Assistant managing director of Rwanda Oil Wells (CNPC) and Minister of Roads and Communications, who was killed by rebels groups, before the Rwanda election, the rebels attacked our house one early morning killing my mother and my father.

I was able to escaped to the West African States called Senegal, where I am now seeking asylum under the United Nations High Commission for the Refugee in Dakar Republic of Senegal, as a result of the civil war that was fought in my country. This computer belong to one reverend that has a church here in the camp.

Though I m seeking help from a God fearing and trustworthy person who will either help me and take control of the sum of US$3.7 Million my father deposited in BANK for investment and to enable me finish my university education, relocate and start a new life.

If you consider yourself very sincere and trusted, please reply me so that I can give you more information on this. Meanwhile,for agreeing to help me I will give you 20% of the total money for your services and the balance shall be our investment capital. Though you are going to manage the entire money for any good investment in your country since I do not know anything about business. Attached are my pictures.

I will appreciate your urgent response indicating your willingness to handle this transaction perfectly. Nevertheless, kindly keep within you till everything is finally settle. Take good care of yourself and God bless you.

Yours Jessy!
My lovely honey,

I greet you in the perfect name of Almighty God, the Beneficent and ever merciful.

Thank you very much for the mail you sent me. It gave me joy that i have never received within me all this while that i have been faced with this problem,you will have all in return,my love,body and soul. I was touched at the fact that you could care for me that much letting me into your life even at this difficulty, i promise you that as we are going to bear this burden together so shall we enjoy it in the end.

Thank also for your beautiful pictures. I am very happy today because of the content of your mail. How is life with you over there in your country?How also is your family and your work over there today?Hope that God is guiding you. Really you are a great man that every woman will love to have as a lover and possibly a husband.

Honesty what happened has happened. I just leave everything to God our almighty father. At my age i do not supposed to left my country to another country like Senegal where i am now. I do not know anyone here and their way of life is very difference from what i was seeing before trouble started between my late father s brothers on who will take my late father s heir. As i young girl i was not comfortable living with them because non of them are taken care of me, rather they want way to kill me or turn me to slave.

All the little things my late father has was taken away from me. My certificate even at this present were all with these bad people in Rwanda because they make sure that they seized all my belongings thinking that i must have packed some valuable things my late father has inside it. There is nothing i could do than to sake for my life the most high knows why! and so i came to Senegal through the help of a good Samaritan as have already told you before. These people supposed to brought to law but as a believer i have to look unto God for help. I know that they might kill me if i tried to persist in their law and words so i have to find my way out and leave the whole matter to God.

At present they do not know my where about and they don t care to know it and i have made up my mind that i will never go back there. After all i am a woman and woman has no permanent place until she got married so what i really wait for now is someone that will love me and take me as his wife and i don t mind where the person might come from only that i need true love.

Today God have answered my prayer by given me to you. The most important thing is that i have life, but I m terribly worried about my life because i have never feel that care of parenthood in my life. However i believe that any thing the most high has prepared for me will never escape from me! or no one could take it away from me for what is mine is mine from the most high God. Mind you that everyday life is a test or trial in every thing for we human beings; could be even with the ones we love most, but still we ve got to keep the faith, yes we re all sinners and weak heated, but the most high see s & knows all, he s the most forgiving one, he who decides to forgive us or not, for he knows all secret parts.

I grew up to this stage in a very poor condition which shouldn t have been if my parents were alive but i was only getting into problems that only God knows.

My dream is to meet a nice and sweet person which seems like you. I am praying so that our friendship and relationship can go beyond as it is present. I dream of a man who would make me smile and laugh.

I want someone who can make me happy in life as i have gone through horrible times during the past years. I need someone i could trust, someone who would never hurt me. I want to be loved and i will like to meet my man in person one day.I need intimacy in relationship.I am ready to give you anything that i can be able to do in order to make you happy.

At present i am not working,i am only surviving through the little help i am receiving from some good people here because i used to involve myself in the youth voluntary works.Someone promised to give me work later wanted to turn me into bad thing which i did not like.

The person wanted to get me into prostitution business but i refused. I do not want to get into prostitution,i want a man who will love me and care for me. In fact life is not easy for me but i thank God in everything.My dream is someone who would hold me close, someone i could be myself with. I pray for you to made my dreams come true.

Here in Senegal it is very hard even to those that are citizen and working. There is no good job and the ones working at all are not been paid well. You can check it out and you will notice that Senegal is one of the poorest and most expensive country in the world today. So you can imagine what life here is all about. If you can help me in any way to get my papers so that i can get out of this ugly condition i will be most happy for you as my own lover, good friend and husband to be.

You asked me who i can come to Germany, honey it is very possible with your help because all i need is the money to apply for my passport and other papers. Rev.Father who is coordinating things in the camp here have been helping others to get their papers once you have someone that want to help and willing to received the person in another country as yours. The cost of the papers used to range from 350,000CFA which is about 600Euros and it will not take more than two weeks to get them ready.

Please i will be glad if you can assist me with the amount so that i can come over there and we can sit together and talk about how we can transfer this fund that my late father left for me in the bank for us to invest it together in your country.

You see these are the suffering i am passing through here. It is not easy for me at all. But i know that God has shown me to you and with your help i know that my life will be save again. God bless you again my love. Try to stay blessed my dearest honey and i love you from a distance.

Please i will like you to call me, you can reach me through the church reverend Joseph Adam phone number +221779411372. If you call just tell him that you want to speak to me he will send for me. I will be very happy to hear your voice on phone soon.

Until then have a nice day and send my best wish to your family. Please i will like you to call me on phone. I really want to hear your voice on phone.
Your Only Love,