Der Vorgang 564

Der erste Kontakt 564

Anzahl der Mails: 3

Die Transfersumme

3.500.000,00 Dollar (Anzahl: 1)

Es wurden insgesamt -- 3 -- Datensätze gefunden.
My dearest
I am very sorry if i may violate your policy or in any way hurt your feelings by intruding into your privacy,actually It s true that I don t know you in person and it s not compulsory that you must help me, before that I will like you to make sure you keep this transaction secret and confidential if you are interested to help me out.I am Miss blessing Desmond,22 years old from Liberia and the only daughter of my late parents Mr.and Mrs. Desmond My late father has the sum of $3.5 million US DOLLARS (Three million five hundred thousand USD) in a bank here and he used my name to Deposit the money with the bank as his only daughter as well as the next of kin to the fund,i will like to transfer it into your bank account, Your suggestions and ideas will be highly be regarded.
Now permit me to ask these few questions,
1.Can you honestly help me as your daughter or friend/ lover?
2.Can I completely trust you?
3.What percentage of the total amount will be good for you after the money is in your position?
I am anxiously waiting for your urgent response so that i will give you the bank details where the money is deposited .
Yours in love Blessing! Red rose.

Meine Liebste
Ich bin sehr leid, wenn ich kann Ihre Richtlinien verletzen oder in irgendeiner Weise verletzt deine Gefühle durch Eindringen in Ihre Privatsphäre, eigentlich ist es wahr, dass ich kenne Sie nicht persönlich und es ist nicht zwingend, dass Sie mir helfen, die vor diesem Ich mag wird Sie sicherstellen, dass Sie halten diese Transaktion geheim und vertraulich, wenn Sie interessiert sind, mir zu helfen out.I bin Miss Segen Desmond, 22 Jahre aus Liberia und die einzige Tochter meiner verstorbenen Eltern Herr und Frau Desmond Mein verstorbener Vater hat die Summe $ 3.500.000 US-DOLLAR (drei Millionen fünfhunderttausend US-Dollar) in einer Bank hier und er meinen Namen auf Kaution das Geld bei der Bank als seine einzige Tochter sowie die nächsten Angehörigen in den Fonds wird Ich mag die Ãœbertragung es auf Ihr Bankkonto wird Ihre Anregungen und Ideen sehr angesehen werden.
Nun erlauben Sie mir diese paar Fragen zu stellen,
1.Can Sie ehrlich mir helfen, wie Ihre Tochter oder Freund / Geliebter?
2.Kann ich völlig vertrauen?
3.Was Prozentsatz des Gesamtbetrags wird gut für Sie, nachdem das Geld ist in Ihrer Position?
Ich bin gespannt warten auf Ihre dringende Antwort, so dass ich Ihnen die Bankverbindung wo das Geld hinterlegt.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen in der Liebe Segen! Red Rose.
Dear to the heart.
Thanks very much for your response to my proposal and gave me a great joy after reading your post hope. I would like to hear your voice, please call me with our reverend father number, your name is Rev. Johnson dictionary, is the Reverend in charge of CHRIST THE KING MISSION here in Dakar, Senegal, their number is (00221774901163) just tell him you want to speak to Miss Blessing Desmond and he called me.
Thanks again for your courtesy and taking the time to report to me and accept me as his own daughter or sister, lover / wife and I am very happy to have someone like you cut me. the first time I am getting new life for someone i can call my dear friend and the death of my parents later.
Before contacting you I have three days of fasting and prayer and the Lord Almighty will guide me to you I have every confidence in you, because my God never fails and I think much of it.
I m from Liberia now living as seeking political asylum in Senegal, Dakar. My father was a politician and killing by rebels in Liberia, rebels bust our house one early morning and killed my late father and my mother pretty sweet, including our last baby who is only son of my parents.

I was in school when the incident and heard the bad news and went home after the funeral of my late parents according to tradition and our usual advice to leave the country because they can kill as they killed my afternoon and parents did away with my late father of the file to save all documents and I find that my late father s bank account CBAO of Senegal, where he made a lump sum deposit with my name. I am in Dakar Senegal because I get sick asylum as a refugee here in Dakar refugee camp.
I ve been looking for a trustworthy person who will not betray, deny or sit in the back when it finally arrives in their care and I thank God that I have seen as a trustworthy person I can trust this transfer to your hand without fear of complacency for your help, I m here now has 15% of the funds for your assistance and 5% of the costs incurred in this transfer immediately pledge money to your account was just taken 20% of itself, for the purpose of making assessment.
Honey Enter your information below, copy and send the chart below for the sake of the Bank
-------------------------------------------------- ----
2, Place de l Indépendance BP 130 - Dakar
Tell 00221774729728
Fax (221) 777 14 23 51
Regional Office
Our Ref: CBAO/CBAO/STC/777/TO7
https: / /

I would like to know the legal process of transferring this fund into my bank account in my country. Desmond Blessing my partner is in the refugee camps in Dakar Senegal who you know and she will not be able to reach your bank. That s why I asked to present her as a foreign partner s family and late father deposited the fund in its custody and to receive this fund from your bank.
Sir I need details on what to do to get his late father fund transferred to my bank account as soon as possible.
Your name :______________________
Phone :__________________
Contact :___________________
Nationality :________________________
Your urgent reply to my inquiry will be greatly appreciated.
Thanking you
How are you today with hope that all is well with you my darling i want to tell you that i love you with all my heart and darling please let me know if you have contacted the bank and send me the reply you receive from bank so i can direct you on what next to do my darling take my kiss of love and please write me soon..