Der Vorgang 718
Der erste Kontakt 718
Anzahl der Mails: 2
Die Transfersumme
2.800.000,00 Pfund (Anzahl: 1)

Mailtext |
Greeting s from bella,
I am more than happy in your reply to my mail, your a nice Person, i always dream to meet some one like you, as for that reason i will never hide anything from name is bella Yak, i came from Sudan i am just 25years last month, i used to celebrate my birth day with my friends in school every year, but now you could imagine me in a refugee camp, on my birth day last month my heart is full of pains and sorrow, i remember all i used to do during my birth day, my parents always buy me a special gift, but that day i could not find none of them behind me. I am student of Accounting in the university before the incident, but i could not finish up my education, i was in 3rd year, i want to become a Banker as a profession. We have the general over seer in the camp, he takes care of our welfare in the camp here, he is the Reverend of (Christ the King) here in this camp, his name is Rev.Johnson Ben it was through his help that i could be able to contact you with his computer, he has a computer in his office that was were i used to send you mails. In case you want to call me so that you can hear from me, you can call me through his phone number, tell him that you want to speak with me, he will send for me at the Hostel to come and answer your call, he is such a nice man, always good to people, this is his phone number(+221-77-479-18-09).Darling due to the fact that you have console my heart, i can t hide anything from you, i want you to go through this information s i am giving you, that was the news were i first of all heard about the death of my parents, it was i great shock to me when i saw it, i could not believe that until i see it my self, you can read more about the crash event through this below, There is some thing i want us to talk about, i know that is very difficult to get some one that is honest and sincere, but for the fact that you have made me forget my past and makes me happy in life again, this issue i am telling you is some thing i will not like you to review to any body, no body knows my were about, i am telling you this due to the trust i have seen in you, i feel your honest and understanding person, when my parents were alive they never hide anything from me as the only child, after the death of my parent i was able to get my late father s Statement of Account were he Deposited his money, my uncle later got to know about it, that was his reason he was threatening me so that he could be able to claim the money. It contains 2.8 million british pounds and as the only child i am the next of kin, i am giving you all this information due to the trust I have deposed on you. When escaping out of my country i also took along with me my late father s Death Certificate too. Darling at this moment i want to come out of this camp to live my normal life as a woman, i want you to help so that i could be able to get this money, i have already contacted the bank and i found out and i was also informed by the bank that my father have an agreement with the bank that the money should be release to me when i get married or as the case may be with an appointed trustee who could stand on my behalf to help me get the money. I have kept this as a secret, even Rev.Johnson Ben does not know about it, but i will tell him as soon i get some one that could be able to help me out and i also want you to keep it to your self too for i am afraid of loosing my life. Darling i want to go back to the hostel in few minutes from now we are going to have our manual labour, i will give you the information s of the bank in my next mail, once again thank you and God bless you for your kind help to me. Yours bella. |
Dear Sweet-Heart,
How are you doing today and how is work? I hope you are fine. Honey, I think of you every day and wishing that you are not far from me.I am sending you all my love to show you how much I care for you. Sweetheart, if we later get married we are going to invest the money together or if you do not marry me, I will give you 34% percent of the total amount of the money for your kind assistance. I have just send an e-mail to the Bank to formally introduce you to them as my foreign Partner/Representative. You can now contact ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND where the money is deposited through this e-mail address;my dear i will be very happy to here that you have contacted the bank bot on telephone you will only send an email to them:also i will like you to please send your telephone number together with you picture to me so i will take a good look at you as my beloved one and only future husbnad. ( ) TELEPHONE NUMBER : +44-703-181-7974 or fax +44-27-6924618. TRANSFER DEPARTMENT: Attention: Mr. Micheal Wood ;my father s foreign account officer of the Bank telling him that you are my representative and that you want to assist me transfer my 2..8 MILLION POUNDS deposited by my late father of which I am the next of kin to your account. THE ACCOUNT INFORMATION ARE AS FOLLOWS: ACCOUNT NAME IS DR. JUSTIN YAK ACCOUNT BALANCE 2.8 MILLION BRITISH POUNDS NEXT OF KIN: MISS BELLA YAK. ACCOUNT NUMBER 43483002 Mr. Micheal Wood is senior officer in the transfer department; he will be in a better position to inform you on what to do so that the transfer can take place.I will be waiting for your call Today by 2pm at the church office located in the refugee camp with this number (+221-77-479-18-09) or any time you want to call, please just let me know through my e-mail box. When you call tell him that you want to speak with bella l so that he will send for me from the females hostel to talk with you. God bless you as you do.Thanks and have a nice day. With love from,Miss bella Yak. |