Der Vorgang 8517
Der erste Kontakt 8517
Anzahl der Mails: 4
Die Transfersumme
8.700.000,00 Dollar (Anzahl: 1)
Der RevFather
1.000.000,00 Dollar (Anzahl: 3)
Die Telefonnummern
Weitere Mailadressen

Mailtext |
Hallo Lieber,
Wie geht es dir heute, hoffe es geht dir gut? Ich freue mich sehr auf Ihre Antwort. Eigentlich weiß ich nie, wie du dich fühlen wirst, wenn das zu früh ist, um dir alles über mich zu erzählen, aber nur wegen der Situation, wo ich bin, habe ich beschlossen, dich um deine freundliche Unterstützung zu bitten und auch eine Partnerschaft mit dir einzugehen Glaube, dass du mein Vertrauen nicht verraten wirst, das ich dir auftragen werde. Ich bin Miss Jessica Alex, 24 Jahre alt, die Tochter zu spät Herr Joseph Alex Momoh. Mein Vater war ein Militär, der zum Generalmajor avancierte und Leiter der Armee von Sierra Leone war. Er trat 1985 von seinem Amt als Präsident zurück und diente vom 28. November 1985 bis zum 29. April 1992 als Präsident von Sierra Leone. Nachdem mein Vater im April 1992 durch einen von Staatspräsident Valentine Strasser inszenierten Militärputsch gestürzt worden war. Er wurde zu einem hoch angesehenen Geschäftsmagneten (Händler von Edelsteinen), der während seiner Zeit in der Hauptstadt von Sierra Leone und im benachbarten Guinea tätig war. Es ist traurig zu sagen, dass mein Vater im Nachbarland im Exil starb. Obwohl sein Tod damit in Zusammenhang stand oder eher vermutet wurde, dass er von einem Onkel seines Vertrauens geleitet wurde. Aber Gott kennt die Wahrheit! Meine Mutter starb, als ich gerade 9 Jahre alt war, wegen eines Krebs-Problems und seitdem wurde das Leben für mich so schwierig. Ich bin gezwungen, dich wegen der Misshandlung, die ich von meiner Stiefmutter erhalte, zu kontaktieren. Meine Stiefmutter und mein Onkel verschwörten und verkauften das Vermögen meines Vaters an einen italienischen Auswanderer, der das Geld unter sich teilte und nichts für mich übrigließ. Sie hat mir alle Vermögen und Vermögen meines verstorbenen Vaters weggenommen und mich seit dem unerwarteten Tod meines geliebten Vaters von der Familie zurückgewiesen. Ich suche jetzt Asyl in einer privaten Wohltätigkeitsorganisation unter der Thomaskirche hier in Dakar, Senegal, mit Hilfe einer Schwester namens Magdalen, Gott sei Dank für die Hilfe von Schwester Magdalena, sie hat mir geholfen und das war das letzte Mal wir haben uns jemals gesehen. Ich kontaktiere Sie persönlich für eine langfristige Beziehung und auch für die Investitionshilfe in Ihrem Land, sobald das Geld auf Ihr Konto überwiesen wurde Besitz. Glücklicherweise rief er mich vor dem Tod meines Vaters an und offenbarte mir heimlich, dass er die Summe von acht Millionen siebenhunderttausend US-Dollar (USD 8.700.000) in der Bank hat, die ich als nächstes auf dem Konto habe. Ich kontaktiere Sie persönlich für eine langfristige Beziehung und für Investitionsbeihilfe für dieses Geld, sobald es in Ihrem Bankkonto in Ihrem Land übertragen wird. Der Tod meiner Eltern brachte tatsächlich Trauer in mein Leben. Herr, ich bin in einem aufrichtigen Wunsch Ihrer bescheidenen Unterstützung, Ihre Vorschläge und Ideen werden hoch angesehen werden. Da du mir bei einer Investition hilfst, werde ich gerne mein Studium abschließen, wenn ich in dein Land komme. Es ist meine Absicht, Ihnen 10% des gesamten Geldes für Ihre Dienstleistungen zu entschädigen und der Restbetrag ist mein Investitionskapital. Aus diesem Grund habe ich mich entschieden, dich zu kontaktieren. Hilf mir bitte. Bitte alle Mitteilungen sollten über diese E-Mail-Adresse nur für vertrauliche Zwecke erfolgen. Sobald ich Ihre positive Antwort mit Ihrem Interesse erhalten habe, werde ich die Dinge sofort in die Tat umsetzen. Angesichts dessen werde ich eine dringende Nachricht zu schätzen wissen, die auf Ihre Fähigkeit und Bereitschaft hinweist, mit dieser Transaktion ernsthaft umzugehen. Wenn Sie mit mir am Telefon sprechen möchten, ist dies Rev. Telefonnummer des Vaters: (+221 708 17 17 12) sein Name ist Pfarrer Ray Anthony, wenn Sie ihm sagen, dass Sie mit Miss Jessica sprechen wollen Alex, Er wird nach mir schicken. Ich habe mich bei Pastor Pater beworben, um mir zu erlauben, mit seinem Telefon angerufen zu werden. Ich werde Ihre Hilfe brauchen, um dieses Geld in ein gutes gewinnorientiertes Geschäft Ihrer Wahl zu investieren, da ich noch jung und unerfahren bin. Wie ich bereits gesagt habe, möchte ich, dass Sie die untenstehenden Informationen ausfüllen und an mich zurücksenden, so dass ich Ihnen die Kontaktinformationen der Bank zusenden werde, damit Sie sie kontaktieren können, damit wir in ihrer Antwort die Möglichkeit der Ãœberweisung kennen zu deiner Position finanzieren. Fülle die folgenden Informationen aus, 1; Ihr vollständiger Name.. 2; Dein Geschlecht .. 3; Dein wirkliches Alter .. 4; Ihr Familienstand .. 5; Deine Telefonnummer.. 6; Ihr Beruf.. 7; Ihre Büroadresse 8; Ihre Heimatadresse.. 9; Ihr Herkunftsland .. 0; Ihre Residenz Land .. Auch mein verstorbener Vater hat eine Vereinbarung mit der Bank getroffen, wonach der Fonds erst mit 30 Jahren oder mit einem ernannten Treuhänder auf meine Stelle übertragen werden kann. Ich habe dieses Geheimnis den Leuten in diesem Lager hier gehütet, und ich möchte auch, dass Sie es geheim halten, um den Fonds nicht zu verlieren. Ich werde auf Ihre dringende und positive Antwort warten. Bitte behalte das nur für dich selbst. Ich bitte dich, es niemandem zu offenbaren, bis ich in dein Land komme, sobald der Fonds in dein BANKKONTO überwiesen wurde. Dein, Fräulein Jessica. Vielen Dank. Hello Dear, How are you today, hope you are fine? I am really happy to receive your response. Actually I never know how you will feel if this is too earlier to tell you all about me but just because of the condition of where I m, I have decided to request for your kind assistance and also to go into partnership with you, I believe that you will not betrayed my trust which I am going to lay on you. I am Miss Jessica Alex, 24 years old the daughter to late Mr. Joseph Alex Momoh. My Father was a military man who rose to the rank of Major-General and was head of the Sierra Leone Army. He resigned his commission to be elected president in 1985, and served as President of Sierra Leone from November 28, 1985 to April 29, 1992. After my father was overthrown in a military coup staged by Mr. Valentine Strasser, in April, 1992. He became a highly reputable business magnet-(Precious Stones merchant) who operated in the capital of Sierra Leone and neighboring country Guinea, during his days. It is sad to say that my father died in exile in the neighboring country. Though his death was linked or rather suspected to have been masterminded by an uncle of his who he has been dealing with trust. But God knows the truth! My mother died when I was just 9 years old, due to cancer problem and since then life became so difficult for me. I am constrained to contact you because of the maltreatment I am receiving from my step mother. My stepmother and uncle conspired and sold my father s property to an Italian expatriate which they shared the money among themselves and left nothing for me. She took away all my late father s treasury and properties from me and denied me from the family since the unexpected death of my beloved Father. I am now seeking asylum in a private charity organization under St Thomas Church here in Dakar, Republic of Senegal, through the help of a sister called Magdalen, thank God for the help of sister Magdalen, she helped me out and that was the last time we ever saw each other. I m contacting you personally for a long term relationship and also for investment assistance in your Country once the money is transferred in to your possession. Luckily before the death of my Father he called me and secretly revealed to me that he has the sum of Eight Million Seven Hundred Thousand United State Dollars.(USD $8.700 000) in the Bank, which I am the next of kin to the account. I m contacting you personally for a long term relationship and for investment assistance on this money once it is transferred into your BANK ACCOUNT in your Country. the death of my Parents actually brought sorrow to my life. Sir, I am in a sincere desire of your humble assistance, your suggestions and ideas will be highly regarded. As you will help me in an investment, and I will like to complete my studies when I come over to your country. It is my intention to compensate you with 10% of the total money for your services and the balance shall be my investment capital. This is the reason why I decided to contact you please help me out. Please all communications should be through this email address only for confidential purposes. As soon as I receive your positive response showing your interest I will put things into action immediately. In the light of the above, I shall appreciate an urgent message indicating your ability and willingness to handle this transaction sincerely. If you will like to speak with me on the phone, this is Rev. Father telephone number : (+221 708 17 17 12) his name is Rev Father Ray Anthony when you call tell him that you want to speak with Miss Jessica Alex, he will send for me. I have pleaded with Reverend Father to allow me receive call with his phone. I will need your help to invest this money in a good profit orientated business of your choice since I am still young and inexperience OK. As I have said my dear, I will like you to fill the below information s and forward it back to me so that I will send you the bank contact information s for you to contact them so that in their reply we will know the possibility of transferring the fund to your position. Fill the below information s, 1; Your Full Name.. 2; Your Sex.. 3; Your Real Age.. 4; Your Marital Status.. 5; Your Telephone Number.. 6; Your Occupation.. 7; Your Office Address.. 8; Your Home Address.. 9; Your Country Of Origin.. 0; Your Residence Country.. Also my late father went into an agreement with the Bank that they said fund can only be transferred to my position once I come up 30 years of age or with an appointed trustee. I kept this secret to people in this camp here which I will also want you to keep secret to avoid loosing the fund. I will be waiting your urgent and positive response. Please do keep this only to your self please I beg you not to disclose it to any one till I come over to your country once the fund has been transferred into your BANK ACCOUNT. Yours Sincerely, Miss Jessica. Thanks. |
Good day my Dear,
I hope that you are having a lovely Day over there in your country, I am very sorry for responding late to your email because i have been busy handling some project since I received my Money, I want to thank you for your effort to assist me when I requested to deliver my money to you, I am now living in United Arab Emirates (Dubai) presently with my partner. Meanwhile, I didn t forget your past efforts and attempts to assist me in receiving the funds despite that it failed us some how. On your part I am COMPENSATING YOU with the sum of ( $300,000,00 ) for showing concern. Please I want you to accept this as a gift from my heart I would have sent you this mail earlier but due to how hurriedly my trip was, I have made a provision of a Master Card of ( $300,000,00 ) USA Dollar to thank you for your effort on me when I was in the Camp. My dear I have given the Master Card to Dr. prince James, is the doctor that assisted me to get my patina that stand by me and receive my money which i wanted to send to you. Dr. prince James was the New Reverend Father that help me and he is from Togo, I gave him the Master Card of ( $300,000,00) as I have already promise my self that i will help you to receive it so that you can start a new life. I lost all your information on my email so I was unable to post the master card to you directly. Dr prince James I deposit your Master Card, and my dear i can not be responding to your emails everyday because of my time, I do not explain to my new partner about this gift of Money for some reasons, so please do all the discussion with the Rev Prince James so that he can post your Master Card to you, prince James will post your Bank Master Card immediately you contact him, so you need to contact him with this information below: FULL NAME:. Dr Prince James. COUNTRY....Togo TELEPHONE:.. +22892973291 E-mail Address: ( ) Try to contact him Today with this E-mail address. As soon as give him your information to enable you to received your master card from the Rev. Prince James Take care and God bless you. Yours Mrs Jessica Alex. |
Good day my Dear,
I hope that you are having a lovely Day over there in your country, I am very sorry for responding late to your email because i have been busy handling some project since I received my Money, I want to thank you for your effort to assist me when I requested to deliver my money to you, I am now living in United Arab Emirates (Dubai) presently with my partner. Meanwhile, I didn t forget your past efforts and attempts to assist me in receiving the funds despite that it failed us some how. On your part I am COMPENSATING YOU with the sum of ( $300,000,00 ) for showing concern. Please I want you to accept this as a gift from my heart I would have sent you this mail earlier but due to how hurriedly my trip was, I have made a provision of a Master Card of ( $300,000,00 ) USA Dollar to thank you for your effort on me when I was in the Camp. My dear I have given the Master Card to Dr. prince James, is the doctor that assisted me to get my patina that stand by me and receive my money which i wanted to send to you. Dr. prince James was the New Reverend Father that help me and he is from Togo, I gave him the Master Card of ( $300,000,00) as I have already promise my self that i will help you to receive it so that you can start a new life. I lost all your information on my email so I was unable to post the master card to you directly. Dr prince James I deposit your Master Card, and my dear i can not be responding to your emails everyday because of my time, I do not explain to my new partner about this gift of Money for some reasons, so please do all the discussion with the Rev Prince James so that he can post your Master Card to you, prince James will post your Bank Master Card immediately you contact him, so you need to contact him with this information below: FULL NAME:. Dr Prince James. COUNTRY....Togo TELEPHONE:.. +22892973291 E-mail Address: ( ) Try to contact him Today with this E-mail address. As soon as give him your information to enable you to received your master card from the Rev. Prince James Take care and God bless you. Yours Mrs Jessica Alex. |
Hello My Good Friend.
How are you today? Hope all is well with you and your family? My dear it s me your Friend Jessica Alex; I m happy to inform you about my success in getting the fund transferred under the co-operation of my new partner from Dubai. Presently I am now living in United Arab Emirates (Dubai) investing with my partner. Meanwhile, I didn t forget your past efforts and attempts to assist me in transferring my funds, though it failed us some how. My dear, I want you to contact the Reverend; Reverend Father "Ray Anthony" who is now in Lome Togo. His contact details are: Name: Father Ray Anthony Email: Phone No: +228 79 80 97 53. Contact him as soon as you read this mail and Ask him to post to you the MASTER CARD Worth Sum of $400,000.00 Dollar which I kept for you for your compensation for all the past efforts and attempts to assist me then, because I appreciate your efforts at that time so much. so feel free and get in touched with Reverend Father "Ray Anthony" and instruct him where to send you the MASTER CARD. Dear, be inform that I have registered the MASTER CARD with your name, so go ahead and contact the Reverend Father, and write me immediately you receive it; so that we can share the joy after all the past sufferings at that time OK. Please I may not be able to reply you at all time, because I am very busy here with my husband because of the investment projects which my new Partner and I have at hand OK. Finally, remember that I had forwarded instruction to Reverend Father "Ray Anthony" on your behalf to release the MASTER CARD for your compensation. Therefore feel free to get in touch with him, and he will send the MASTER CARD to you through DHL office without any delay. God Bless you. Yours Sincerely Mrs Jessica. Bye |