Der Vorgang 98

Der erste Kontakt 98

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Dearest Janiek,

Thanks for ur reply,Let me start off by tell you all u need to know about me...Well to start off my names are Brendy Douglas,I come from a rare combination ,Dad is an British Citizen Uk while mom is a Nigerian...My Dad died some months back on his deployment to iraq and i had to relocate to meet my mom in Nigeria, I don t really know him that well because he was always on business trips . My mom passed away weeks back , after she was attacked by some armed men here in Nigeria , so unfortunately you won t have a chance to meet her in person, yet you ll see her influence in my heart. I speak fluent English and my native language. . Tell me more about yourself, anything at all will do. I like the fact that you are straightforward about the fact that you are looking for a serious relationship. So many men feel like they have to be in the "I m not looking for anything serious" mode, because they think that s what women want to hear. Thanks for taking a chance and just showing who you are. So I should probably tell you a little more about me. I consider myself to be very simple. I believe that men needs to be treated with respect and as a equal partner in a relationship, but all I seem to find is the ones that does not know how to respond to that or is untrusting to it. I feel like u should treat somebody with respect and like they are a person not a peice of meat or whatever. I am the type of person who wants somebody to feel wanted not just as a trophy. I am a very affectionate person and I love to cuddle, I like to show somebody how I feel not just telling them. I love to be close to somebody whether it is in the bed on the couch or wherever. I guess my dreams would be is to be happy and have a family my goals in life I want to go into business for my self oneday but that will be a while from now. I guess I want to work on my love life and be happy first. I have always wanted a child of my own and to have a family, but I guess when the time is right it will happen. I like to play sports just as much as I do watch them. Most of all i like to spend time with who I am with, and cuddle up and watch a movie. It is my opinion that we all want the same thing in regards to a partner, and that most of us either do not know how or is scared to and sabotage themselves from getting it. Ok, I like the outdoors, but I don t care about hunting or fishing, well I will fish with an un-baited hook if it means I will get to spend some time with someone I care about. There are a lot of things I like doing as in dancing, cooking, camping, etc. My ultimate goal and what I think would make me happy is to get back on my feet and have a man by my side that I love and loves me, and children that I can raise and have fun with.I am very relationship oriented and I believe life is too short to waste. When I am in a relationship I am committed, honest, and loyal. I think that falling in love is always a good thing, even if it doesn t work out. There is always something to learn from being with someone, and happy times and memories should be cherished. Friendship comes first for me. That is not to say I never get hurt because I do. I have been burnt so bad. My last relationship ended on a very sad note for me but I do not believe in regrets. I tell you this because I cannot predict the future. For some people a relationship has to be all or nothing...I don t feel that way. It is obvious that I don t know how to keep a good man since I am 28 and never married, but I never in the past nor do I intend to intentionally hurt someone by cheating, mistreating, or abusing them. Ok, for my questions to you. What are some of your goals, hopes and dreams? How long have you been single? Do you have any brothers or sisters? Do you have any kids? If yes, How many? If there is something you want to say but you think you might be rambling or it is not important, it is ok, to me it is important. Well...I see I wrote a novel here, I am looking forward to getting to know you better. I guess I will go for now hope to hear from you soon.

Brendy xoxox
Dearest Janiek,
Good to read from you and thanks for your quick response back to me,Hope you know that i am presently residing down here in Nigeria at the moment cos of my late mother s assets and properties which i came down here to take care of and hope that hasn t changed any of your interest for me..I believe distance is no barrier for us...You seem like you are very down to earth and laid back, and that is good. It s good to see you are affectionate and like showing your feelings. I am the same as well. I believe that partners are 100% equal in a relationship and both should be able to feel they can trust each other 100% at all times. I feel that any woman who ever disrespects a man is not a woman at all. I am affectionate also and I have no trouble showing it for the right man in public or private. I love to cuddle while watching a good movie, when were in bed, I love to hug and kiss my man at anytime and anywhere it could be a store,mall or just on a sidewalk. You are looking for long term, I am looking for something permanent :-) and I know it takes time and a lot of good effort to form a good relationship. I want a man to be my best friend at all times, my sweetheart, love of my life, my partner and my soul mate all wrapped up into one lovely man. I would be all of that for him and more,I would love him with all of my heart and have nothing but good feelings for him. He should be a very caring person, with a lot of good feelings, be honest, reliable,pleasant personality and have a sense of humor. I am trying not to ramble here for you but I am looking for the "One". What does that mean to me? He is the person that you can t wait until he comes home from work so you can kiss him and sit down and relax in front of the TV or go out and spend an evening together. The person that just calls to see how your day is going but knows that it just got much better because you are talking to each other. He gives you a lift when you are down ......

NOTE: I believe we have lots of chemistry together and with that i believe we could make this friendship a long and lasting one if only we are both ready to give in our best and ready to take it to the next level.If you do believe we could achieve this together then i will suggest we delete our profile from the dating site where we met so we wont get distracted by other singles?And i want you to know that right now i am presently in NIGERIA...

Hope to read from you soon

Brendy xx
Hello My Dearest Janiek,
Thanks for the mail,Immediately i got your email my feelings turn over on you and it seems you are the right man which i have been searching for to bring back the smile which i used to smile when my parent was still alive,For a good relationship to grow we need to trust each other and be honest with each other to achieve what we want to achieve well i am seeking for man which will be the flesh to my flesh and also the bone to my bone,It s true I have never seen you and we have never met,Never shaken Hands or even truly hugged and yet!I know for sure you care for me by the kindness that you give.And our keyboards keep us together doesn t matter where we live.So I am emailing you to put a smile on your face and to let you know in my heart you have a special place.The sun is always shining just above the cloudy haze,as we share friendship across an online.We express love and kindness without a face.It comes from deep inside our hearts from a special place. Within our lives we share special dreams, unusual and unique,and it is with our keyboards that we speak.You are a friend of mine from the emails we exchange,I wouldn t know you on the street and it doesn t even seem strange.You have brightened my life with the thoughtfulness you shows.Your words encourage me more than you could know.As people change and times keep changing too,one thing stays the same the way I feel for you.For this friendship we possess we owe a world of gratitude and debt,because we would not know each other if it wasn t for the net,I will want you to tell me your feelings about me and what you think we can do to achieve our goals.I would love to ask
you some few questions...if we can make it work Out for Us i can relocate ,
1: Are you a Good Christian and how strong is ur faith in God and do u mind dating a christian lady like me?
2: Do you really think our conversation could be a way into something lasting for both of us?
3: How serious are you about we getting acquainted and hope you are ready for the task ahead,That s if truly you find me interesting and like someone that we could easily hit it off
4:I know you might be afraid of somethings which you think might be personal to you but if you don t mind me asking,What are those things.That s it for now,I hope you read from you.
Love always.
Hi My Dearest Janiek ,

Thanks For the mail,This Distance might be The Obstacle to our friendship but i assure you if we have faith we will meet someday because whatever that is meant to be will surely be,Meanwhile Reading from you has really Warmed my heart and i hope to always hear from you,You sound so great and loving in the mail, i hope you are not another con man ready to play with my heart once again,if not,then i would be more willing to Open my heart to you...I hope this will take us to the next level and we could build a relationship that will last long if not forever..I liked your profile and all I read about it was awesome,it will be my pleasure to get to know more about you and I am putting this questions to you......
What do you do for a living?
What do you seek for in a relationship?
What are the basic qualities you seek for in a lady?
What sort of relationship you seek for?
What interests you?
Got kids?
What do you do for fun?
Do you like public intimacy?
Have you ever been married?
If so what s being married like?
How do you treat your lady?
Why do you need a lady?
What is love to you?
Would you hit your lady for any reasons?

I ll hopefully want to know what your consent is about these questions.

I want to get to know you and meet you.

