Der Vorgang 216
Der erste Kontakt 216
Anzahl der Mails: 2

Mailtext |
Hello Werner,
It was nice to hear from you on the site. I do like the way which you sound in your message to me on there . I will like you to tell me about yourself so that i can know you better. I saw your email address which you wrote for me in your message to me on the site and i am sending this email to know if i have your email address correct. Do let me know if this email gets to you so that i can know that i have your email address correct. I have attached my picture here and i hope you will like it. I will go for now and i hope to hear from you. Take care and have a nice day. Anita. |
Hello Werner,
It is nice to read from you. I like how you sound here in your letter. I am new to the site and you are the first person that i am getting to talk with. I like how you sound in all which you have told me about yourself here in your letter. I am also looking for that special someone to share the rest of my life with. I am looking for my best friend, soul mate and life partner. I like the work which you are doing and i must say that you are a very hardworking and intelligent person to be able to do what you do. I am happy for you and i wish you all the best in your job. It is nice to hear you like eorrtic and sex very well. I also like erotic and sex very well. I am looking for a man who is sexually strong so that we can be able to give each other the best of satisfaction when we get to make love. I am happy to hear you don t smoke, drink or gamble. I also don t do these things. I will introduce myself to you because i think that its important that i do this before we get along, i have never discussed this with anyone, i don t know why my heart feel at rest sharing this horrible and painful story with you, maybe i will say it is the wish of God. It is not easy for me to write about myself but I will try. I am single, 28 years of age, my birth day is November 6 1981. I am 5 6 ft and weigh 125lbs. I will like you to know that i am a jovial and open minded person and will like to build a relationship that will be based on trust and honesty because i have passed through so many heart break in the hands of men in my past relationship. I have never been married or have any kids. I value honesty in people and dislikes dishonesty. My hobbies are swimming,reading, singing, dancing, outdoors activities, I also adore traveling. My dad is from Poland while my mum is an African from Benin Republic West Africa, my dad is a farmer and my mum a teacher, my dad and mum lived in Warsaw, Poland and that was where i was born but i didn t spend much time there due to the death of my dad. My dad died when i was 3 years old. My dad died from cancer, after the death of my dad. My uncles became so wicked to my mom which made things difficult for her to survive just because she was an African, it got to an extent that she could not bear it anymore so she relocated with me to Benin Republic for safety. Right in Benin Republic, I studied hair styling and beauty therapy and i have a BSc degree in that. After my school,i got a job in a snack shop, where cakes, pizza and burger were being made. But i quit from the job after 2 years because i wanted to practice what i studied in school. So , i got a job as a hair stylist and face make up in a small saloon, and that is what i presently do..Presently i live in the city of Cotonou Benin Republic down here in the country with some of my friends. The capital of Benin is Port Novo but i live in the state of Cotonou. Cotonou is one of the major city here and it is located in the coastal region of the country. The population of Benin is small comapred to that of Germany. Benin is still an under developed country, the country still lacks so many technology. Benin has a rich cultural heritage and tradition and the people here hold their customs and traditional with great respect. I visited Poland 14 years ago for summer holiday and i stayed with my uncle who is dead now. I hope that my profession and distance does not upset you. I like your pictures which you have attached here, you are so handsome. I have also attached my pictures for you here and i hope that you like them. I will stop here for now, i hope to hear from you soon. Anita. |