Der Vorgang 37
Der erste Kontakt 37
Anzahl der Mails: 19

Mailtext |
hi, this is asali2009 from name is loise. would like 2 know u more. kiss. loise. |
Hi dear, let me first say thank you for ur quick reply. I like what i see n i like what i read. I like ur pic n u r a very handsome man.
My name is loise wambui njiriri, 36yrs, single with a teenage daughter. Her father died in 1998. I live partly with her as she is in school. Am a beautician by profesion, am calm, romantic, affectionate, caring, understanding n trustful. I have neva been maried but i will to be. I am still under my parents house. I have been in aff for quite sometime now but its been on n off n i have met all types of pple here. liers, conmen name them. Many ladies in aff are looking for sex n money but am looking for one man, a man that will bring change into my life. Am in search of a special man, whos secure within himself. To find a man to love n may be spend the rest of my life with will be a dream come true.I think i listen as well as talk n am a very passionate woman. I like alot of touching, hugging..kissing with tender moments that makes time seem to stop. I love long walks with good movies..enjoy time with family n friends.. n also travel. I dont smoke but drink socially. The reason why i switched to aff is coz am very romantic but african men are not. I want to try another culture, another race. I dont mind coming over to germany, it would be my pleasure. I want to try it out with u n c where it leads us. I have attached one of my recent pic. Hope u like it. kisses loise |
Hi dear, thanx alot for ur sweet words. now i know we are heading somewhere. I have searched for long time n u have searched for long time. At last we have met. I love sex n there is no relationship that can work without good sex. sex can make a mariage grow or break. it is the most important thing between a couple.Its my desire to meet u face to face n c how things work out. I dont mind visiting u in germany. As i told u i love traveling.
i told u b4 that i am a beautician by profesion but i forgot to tell u that i am no longer employed but i decided to start my own business. I sell ladies handbags. Am also happy to learn that u dont mind me having a child. when i come i will leave her under the care of my mum. I dont know how u feel about my coming but its just a matter of agreement between u n me. i can come or u can come. Any can do. I just feel happy reading ur mail n replyin to it coz its very hard to find someone serious on aff. Almost all people there are just after sex to which i dont agree. i tell them to read my profile again. What i came to learn about aff is that a lady can have sex with very many men if not careful. May God help us to make it through. Honey i may write n neva finish. u may ask me anything u wish to n i will answer. sweet kisses loise |
Thanx alot my love for keeping in touch. Its my desire to travel to germany but i cant afford to pay for my air ticket. I have passport. I dont know what we can do about that. my daughter is in school n she comes home after 3months. so i see her after every three months. But she is under the care of my mum. Sorry for ur work but soon we will be forced 2 work even more harder 4 our family.
I feel deep inside myself that something good is growing between us two. I want u to know my feelings my love n if we end up 2gether i will always let u know what i feel n also expect that in return. Babe we didnt meet by chance, we both made it happen. I understand for us to fall in our feelings want..desire n have each other will take alot of work, understanding, patience n alittle bit of time. Its unusual relationship thats made harder but not imposible due 2 the distance between us. While looking at ur photo. I see the future of a baby. How beautiful he/she will look.. looking just like u. If i cant have what i want then i hope to get a life long friend. I love u babe n ur deep in my thoughts sweet kisses loise. |
Hi my love, once again let me say thank you once again. This are words that one cannot tire from saying coz they mean more to both of us. I am so happy that ur so conerned about me. I went to a travel agent to check on the amount of air ticket plus return. They say it would be around 1151 euros minus visa fee. They usually give discounts in the month of august but its like there are no discounts now.
When i come to germany n we decide to get maried, i would like to live with my daughter in ur house. I like to watch over my girl as she grows. I have attached my passport copy with this mail but i need some documents from u to help me get a visa. -invitation letter -your bank statements Am not very sure about the bank statements, whether i can use yours. Sorry for the hard work, if u have any questions pliz ask n i will kindly answer u. looking forward to hear from u soonest as u prepare n send the documents. Miss u deeply. love loise |
Hallo my love, i had sent u a mail previously but i learnt later from a travel consultant that u need to send me a certain document from the county council in germany. I will go tomorow to the german embassy, pick the visa form, scan it n send it to u so that u may know what is needed from u. The amout for air ticket i sent u is on the higher side in case it arises from normal rate. Pliz wait till i send u the visa form then we can know what is needed..
Good night n sweet kisses love loise. |
Hi babe, am so sorry that u had to read n reply to my mail last night from ur business trip. Thanx for ur concern.
I went to the embassy this morning n got the requirement letter plus the visa form. Am now in the process of getting a health insurance. So i have sent u a copy of the requirement so that u can send me what is needed. I dont have much to say as for now by i still think it wise to comunicate through sms by phone as it will be quicker. I dont know ur thoughts about it but i give u my mobile number in case u like communication by phone. +254720363779. By the way how are u going to send me the document? Let me give u my postal adress coz i know u have to send it through post. LOISE WAMBUI NJIRIRI P.O BOX 48446-00100 NAIROBI, KENYA. I dont have to say as for now but talk later. Have a good night honey, sweet dreams between me n u. Soon we shal be together. sweet kisses love loise |
Hi babe,thanx alot for replying to me while u should be in bed resting. It shows that u trully care. Allow me to trust u honey co without trust, love n faithfulness 2 pple can neva be 2gether. Let us be true 2 each other so that our relationship can grow.
Am so happy that ur so concerned about my dota. One thing i can say about her is that she is well behaved n displined. Her name is Tabitha waithera. Her birth certificate has no sir name but in school she uses my name as her sir name, Tabitha Waithera wambui. Her father diserted me when i needed him most n so i could not include him in my dotas birth certificate. Icould not walk on my 2 legs after i gave birth to her as i was very young n my hip joints separated as they forced me to give birth on the normal way.Its a long story. I will tell uall once in germany n our past experiences will become our bedtime stories. Tabitha is 17years old. she will turn 18 in sep this year. And will also be completing school this year too. I know it would be her desire to come n live with me in Germany n as i told u in my earlier mail, my dota is still young n i would like to watch over her as she grows. It is my wish to become ur wife n take care of u. u have a garden right? I love gardening n loves working in my mums farm every time we travel upcountry. Honey did u know they have changed the rules at the embassy? imagine i have to book an appointment for returning the documents. Check at look on the topic of visa requirements. Pliz check the dates that are booked first before includind my dates of travel in the document coz i have to book an appointment first. Hope u get me. Honey i dont have much to say but i miss u n long to see u soon. love u always. loise. |
Good evening my love, hope u had a nice day n the same to me. Am just thinking about u n missing u more as the days go by. I went to check the appointment bookings online n i was shocked to find that the whole of august is fully booked. I checked september n found the first week had 7th not booked n so i booked my appointment for 7/09/10 on a tuesday. I have noted that if i delay further i might find the whole year booked. I hope its fine with u as it also gives us more time to prepare for our meeting.
I saw ur pics, hmmm i love that horny. As i watched it i felt horny. I want that cock to be mine. Its not a bad size 4 me i guess, hope not so painful into my tight pussy. As i told u tabitha is a teenager n not that young. but she is still under me. She closed school this morning n at home for one month now. I dont have much as for now but i hope to hear from u. Do u work on weekends? Hope not. Have a goodnite n enjoy ur weekend. love u always. loise |
Hi babe, am here once again thanking u for the mail of last night. I want to let u know that the booking i did is not a flight booking as u thought. As i told u the german embassy has changed rules n to deliver my documents to them i have to book an appointment. So i found out that august was fully booked n the only day i found was 7th of september. so when u send me the obligation letter n invitation letter, i will take them to the embassy together with other documents needed from me on the 7th of sep. After that i will wait for 5 working days for my visa to process. So my travel date should be around 17th of september. As for the return date that depends on u. u are supposed to decide for how long u want me to be there but i would be asked i would like to spend even 3 months if possible so that u can take me around germany.
Honey if i may be allowed to ask, are u going to pay for my visa n air ticket? This i ask coz my daughter will be leaving for school b4 i leave for germany n i have to clear her school fees first t prevent any complications in her studies. Pliz understand me for all this. I am very happy about ur honesty n u r the partner i need in my life. Apartner who is ready to explore n please one another fully. U would allow me to find all the ways possible to please n satisfy u sexually n help me explore my sexuallity fully. About fucking or penetrating into my anus let me say that i have neva tried n i dont want to. I dont like anus games. Any other games yes, but not anus. Pliz understand me, let us do things that will please us both. Honey b4 i forget my dota said hi to u. Hope u accept her greetings. Thanx for now. nice weekend. sweet kisses loise |
Ich heibe my love, am so happy to recieve ur mail n to know that u will pay for my visa n ticket. Am sorry that i could not reply ur mail yesterday, its just that i was very busy at my business being the end of the month n i closed late. Now i trull know that i have not only a friend but a future husband.
Sorry that u have to work in ur garden on ur rest days. I hope its not a big garden. What have u planted there? Is it a flower garden or a vegetable garden? Its good coz it shows that ur not a lazy man. As u know many office people are very lazy. Here in kenia we are waiting to vote for a new constitution on wednesday. Some of the people are for it n others are not. so there is a issue of yes n no. But i hope all goes well n no bloodshed like last time. I wil keep updating u on what is going on. Am also happy that u accept my stay in german to be 3 months. wow thats good n i know i will enjoy every bit of the day. Atleast i will do ur house work, cook for u etc. I will prepare for u african food n u will show me ur food N i believe it will be fun for both of us. There will be alot of learning from both sides so there will be no time for boredom. Honey i believe in ur house u may be having some music cds n movies i can watch when i dont have anything to do. Am realy hoping for the great day i will see my self packing n leaving to the airport n board a flight to germany. I miss the day i will see u in my arms.. it will be a great day for both of us. Honey am sorry that i dont have any nude pics i can send u. I dont have an automatic camera like u have. I thank u for ur good photos that always leave me horny n long to have u more n more. I love u honey n keep enjoying ur weekend. keep in touch. sweet kisses loise |
Hi babe, am very happy once again to recieve ur mail. I have started to learn german language online for future reference. I know u feel bad when i dont have any nude pics for u. Pliz wait for my real body. Its coming sooner than u expect. My body will be for u n ur body will be for me. I will let u lick my pussy n ass hole as long as there is pleasure in it. but if i dont feel any pleasure then we shal have to do something else. Agreed?
OOOh the photo honey... it really made me hot n horny. i wish i was near u when ur cock was erect like that, i could have swallowed it alive. ha ha ha. just joking. Its good atleast u have a vegetable garden so u dont have to go to the grocery every now n then. U eat fresh from the garden. How is ur mother doing? i remember in ur last mail u said u were going to visit her. U r a good man atleast u have time for ur mum. Do u live too far from her? We have neva talked about our families. I come from a family of 9. six sisters n 3 brothers. I am the 8th born. My dad died in 1998 through a stroke. All the rest of the family live away from home except me. my mum is 80 years old. I hope u have started ur week well n wish u all the best in everything u do. Many sweet kisses love loise |
Hallo honey, I feel great in my heart everytime i write to u n wait eagerly in the evening for ur mail. I like ur pics very much n i appreciate ur every effort to take the pics n send to me. Very few men will take their time to write n send mails to their loved ones especially african men. Let me say a big vielen dank to u my love. U have a special place in my heart. I nstead of taking ashower, preparing ur dinner n resting , u take the first priority to send me a mail. vielen dank! vielen dank!
Its good that u have trained ur patience well n its the same with me. I dont like hooking up with every man i meet. I made a decision to wait patiently coz i knew God has someone special for me. Someone who will take me the way i am, love me, appreciate me in everything i do n love me forever for better for worse, in sickness in health. Honey never allow to use ur body on any woman u meet. xxx be patient n God will give u ur rightful partner. A partner who will love u, be faithful to u, understanding n trustful. Tell God in prayer that ur tired of seeking n seeking n that u want ur mrs right now. He is faithful n will fulfil the desires of ur heart. I dont know whether ur geting my statements..are u a xtian? Sorry for ur divorced sister, its part of the life we live. Divorce is alover the world. Sorry for ur mum. Its my prayer that she will be well n strong forever n ever amen. Ur family is very small n my family is very large. I have children calling me aunt n their children call me grandmother. Very many of them. Germany is just like kenya where u find the well up people get 2-3 kids but those that live in the slums get up to even 7 children. But as for me n u , we shal both decide on the number we want. I got my visa application appointment letter from the Embasssy. Its for 7/9/10 at 9.30am. The voting for the new contitution will be tomorow n i hope all will be well. Have a Gute nacht love loise. |
Hi my love, its another great day to say hallo to u. I like it like u do..reading ur mails n answering them. Today was the great day for voting n was up by 6am. by 7am i had voted n am happy about it. Today i did not open business just want to be at home n observe things. Sorry that things were not so good at ur work place yesterday. I dont like to hear that u are sad but i hope today its been fine.
As u long for me in body so do i. Am just hoping for that will be a great day for both of us. I know about the banks u tell me about. western union n money gram. western union is abit expensive n i would prefer u send through money gram. What about the documents? I understand that the obligation letter is supposed to be sent by post but the invitation can be sent by email n then i scan n print it out. Honey i miss u badly, i know u cannot understand n its only me who knows how am feeling inside. I long to see u soon Thanx for the pic, its very nice n i thank u for ur every effort u make even when ur down to email me n send me pics. I realy do apreciate. I will always be there for u. love u always. sweet kisses n good night loise. |
Guten abend my love, Am happy to hear from u once again. We voted for the new constitution yesterday n everything was peaceful. I was at the polling station by 6am n by 7am i was through. I hope peace continue to prevail in kenia even as they continue to count the votes.
I hope ur doing fine as i am too plus my dota. Its ok if u get free time next week to prepare n send the documents. D.h.l is in kenya n i didnt know its a Deutsch company. It has several ofices in nairobi. As for the money u can send through money gram. Honey to speak the truth i miss u badly. There is not a single day that ur not in my mind. Day n night i think about u n how we shal meet. I feel good when u say u get fresh vegetables from ur garden. It feels good to eat something fresh from ur own hands other than what we buy n has been handled by so many dirty hands. Keep up darling on ur hard work n neva give up. Thanx for pic, when i look at it, at the erect cock, i see u thinking so much about me, i have occupied ur mind n u have occupied mine too. I love ur cock, i miss it n need it soon, just to feel it in my warm n moist pussy will make me feel so good. We shal both enjoy what we have missed in our entire lives. Take care honey for me n our future. Auf wiedersehen my love n have a Gute nacht love u always loise. |
hi honey, i sent u a mail on thursday n there was internet problem. if u didnt let me knw. love loise. |
Hallo my love, u been so qiet, is everything ok? am here once again wanting to know whether u got my mails. if yes please let me know.
kisses loise. |
hi honey, whats hapening. u been quiet. is everything alright? gdnt. loise. |
Hi, i emailed u several times without any reply n i have not been able to tell what went wrong. pliz let me hear from u because u made me book an appointment with the germany embassy. If u dont reply then i will have to report u to the embassy for making me book an appointment with them through lying.
Thanx. |