Der Vorgang 392

Der erste Kontakt 392

Anzahl der Mails: 2

Es wurden insgesamt -- 2 -- Datensätze gefunden.
Hello ,
how are you doing today ? i am fine and much more happy to have an email from you . it exites me that we can not communicate more privately , i am really interested in knowing all about you and sharing all about me with you as well . i am interested in a loving relationship wish so much understanding .
i have so much more to share with you about my self , but first i have to confirm if i have the right email address .
i will be eagerly looking forward to an email from you .
i am sending you more of my pictures , i hope you like them , till i read from you , please take good care of you .
Waiting to hear from you and also get to know you better
I wait to hear from you
Your new lady
Hello xxx ,
How are you and i hope you are fine and doing well?
I am so happy reading from you and also it makes me glad to have your mail and to know you so well and better.Thanks a lot for the pictires also and i must say your pictures are okay and nice.
I so much appreciate all what you said about me.
yes sure we can start a good communication and i think i have to let you know that i do not appreciate it when i reply you and you do not reply me back as seriousness is a key word here okay.
it is okay about your english as i do understand everything you say okay and that is no problem.
I am so happy getting to know you and also reading all about you and i will use this medium to tell you more about me also.
Well i am Julie Hommes and i was born December 20,1982 and so i will be a year older in some days time and i hope getting on with you and also having to do something on that day as i am hoping we get much more closer.
I am 5ft4inches tall and i am 50kg in weight.
My hair is black and it depends on the style i wanna do with it.
I am glad to know where you work and also i work on a farm where i was trained and i got here as a lady who lost her parents and now i am here and i have been trained to be a much more stronger woman and i have been trained domestically and sexually and so i am in to satisfy you in all ways my loving xxx.
So it is good to know where you stay and i also stay here and so it is good to know where you also work.
So you drive for 1 hour to go to work and so who does all the cooking for you and also help you with the house.
Wow waht a long hour out of the house, so who does clean the house and make dinner for you?
I love gardens and i would love to play around one and i hope i get on to be with you some day my love.
It is good that you love sport cause i love been around water and also playing around also.
It is good that you do not like to smoke as i do not do such also.
So why have you not found a lady cause you sound so cool and lovely and you sound so so nice also.
Well i love you the way you are and also that you are quiet and clam and that makes me want to love you more.
i am glad you did write me back and i must confess that i love everything about you and i hope to know you more and more.
Well coming to Germany is no problem as i would love to but i just want to know you more and get on with you and i hope this works out.
As i told you i am writing you from the farm where i am looked after by a mistress and i would want you to make your interest in me known but i will let you have her email address when you want to okay.
I almost started calling you my love, but i love you the way you are seriously.
If you want me then you have to let us do this together but yet we have to communicate more better.
I look forward to been with you in Germany and i also want you to know that i am so into that but as i said we have to get to know eachother better dear.
Do you want kids? if you want that is alright but guess we still have to talk more about that and also i want you to know more about me.
Yes about sex, do not worry as you have met the right lady cause i will make sure i satisfy you in everything my love and also make sure you have all what you want sexually.
I know i am younger than you and i am adding one more year to my age this december 20, so if it is about sex that is no problem as i have been trained more about sex and also domestically.
Sure you will have all what you wnat and i hope you treat me the same way also dear.
So i guess i have taken my time to tell you more about me and for you to get to know me so so well and better and i just want you to know that i am all dying to be with you my loving xxx.
So any further question is what do you do at your leisure time as i would love to know .
So how do you think, as i also think alot and i hope to put you in my thought.
So i hope you love all what i worte and i will send you more of my pictures in my next mail as i would want to know how serious you are.
It has taken me so long to write this mail and so i wait for you to reply me okay.
I wait to read a mail from you.
Your sweet lady
julie........Hugs and Kisses