Der Vorgang 56
Der erste Kontakt 56
Anzahl der Mails: 15

Mailtext |
Hello dear ,
How are you doing today? i know you are fine and you are taking good care of yourself too, thank you so much for your mail i am so happy to hear from you today. Dear, my name is Sarah Dickson, am 26years and am from US working with an N.G.O as a nurse, an now in West Africa will be happy to know more about you and if possible with with you soon and i know this contact will not end half way please keep it coming so that we see how best we can meet because i will be happy to meet you soon. Have a lovely weekend and please take good care of yourself for me as i wait for your mail. Love and kiss from me, Sarah |
Hello dear,
How are you doing today? i know you are fine, thank you so much for your mail i am very happy to hear from you again today and pray for this contact not the end half way. Dear, let me you you something about myself, am from a family of 4, me and my sister and mom and dad, but for now i don,t have dad and mom anymore and since one year and six months now life has been a hall for me and my sister that is how i find myself here in Africa with the help of friends with hope that things will be easy for me here but is not so, Dear, that is why i join that site to see if i can get someone who can show me love , caring and happiness like my dad and mom use to but i know is not going to be easy for me to see that. Dear,all i want now is to live here because things are not working out well for me here, please don,t look at your age and my all i need is someone who can give love, joy and happiness again so that i can start a now life with him again and i will be happy if you can be that someone i have been looking for all this years i will be starting my holidays very soon and i will not be happy to spent this holidays here i will be happy to live here as soon as i start my holidays and i promise to love that person with all my heart forever. Have a lovely weekend as i wait for your mail. Love from me, Sarah |
Hello dear xxx,
How are you doing today? i know you are fine and taking good care of yourself this weekend, thank you so much for your mail i am very happy to read from you again today. Dear, for me age is just a number what matters is what we feel for each other the best thing i need now in life is just to live here i am now. Please dear, the only thing you can do for me now is to show me love, and caring and i promise to be your forever, i will be starting my holidays by the end of this coming weekend please let me know if you really want me to come over to be with you so that i can start working on my documents so that i will be ready before time. Please dear if you can give me back my joy and happiness i will do all i can in life to make you happy all days of your life because no one has ever done that for me since that death of my dad and mom and that all i am looking for. Have a nice weekend as i wait for your mail. Kiss and hug from me, Sarah |
Hello sweetheart,
How are you doing today and how was your weekend? i know you are doing well and your weekend was OK too, i am really sorry for keeping you waiting i know you have been waiting to hear from me, because of my incoming holidays i have a lot to do now in the office yesterday i have no time to send you mail am sorry for that. Dear, thank you so much for your mail am always happy each time i read your mail because you always give me joy and hope again with your mails i thank God for giving me someone like you in life again dear i promise with all my heart not to let you down in anyway. Dear, my visa will be out by this week Friday because i give it to a friend who is working with German embassy over here who knows my problems she promise to help me get it ready as soon as possible for me i have pay some part of the money for that and i will pay all as soon as is ready. Please dear, i have a problem now i don,t think that the money with me will be enough for my ticket but for now i don,t know the cost of the ticket i will go and find out before the end of today so that i will know if the money with me can do that but if anything i will let you know. Have a lovely day as i wait for your mail. Kiss and hug from me, Sarah |
Hello Sweetheart,
How are you doing today? i know you are fine and your night was good, thank you so much for your mail i am very happy with your mail because you have giving me joy, hope and happiness that no one has ever done since that death of my dad and mom may God richly bless you. Dear, i am not shy to tell you about it but i don,t know your own problem so that i will not add more to yours, please dear i find out the cost and i was told that it will cost me 1125EUORS and all i have with me now is 700EUORS so all i need now is 425EUORS, please dear, i don,t know how possible this will be for you but i know that God will pay you back for all you are doing for me, please dear if is possible for you, send it thought western union with my name (sandra dicksom) coming to Ghana Accra so that it will be easy and fast for me to go for it. Dear, i don,t know how to thank you for all this but i know for sure that i will make it up to you one day for now all i pray each day is for God to keep you long and bless anything that you touch with your hands it will be well with you. Have a lovely day as i wait for your mail. Kiss and hug from me, Sarah |
Hello sweetheart,
How was your day? i know all is well with you, thank you so much for your mail i am so happy that you have made my dreams come thought my God bless you. Honey, please send it thought western union as i told you with this name (SARAH DICKSON ) that is the name in my ID card coming to Ghana Accra that is all you don,t need any address and send the information for me as soon as i get the money i will go for my ticket so that i can send you all the information,s about my coming if possible by the end of tomorrow, i am still at work by now i will be close by 11;30PM, my love have a lovely dreams as i wait for your mail tomorrow. Good night and God bless you. Love and kiss from me, Sarah |
Hello sweetheart,
How are you doing today? i know you are fine and doing good, thank you so much for your mail and your kindness sending the money for me and sending more above want i ask for may God always bless you in all you do. Please dear, there,s a problem am from the western union now and i was told that there,s no money there for me is like you made a mistake with the number or some where please check it and send it back to me as soon as possible. Have a lovely day as i wait for your mail. Kiss and hug from me, Sarah |
Hello sweetheart,
How are you doing today? i know you are fine and doing good, thank you so much for your mail and your kindness sending the money for me and sending more above want i ask for may God always bless you in all you do. Please dear, there,s a problem am from the western union now and i was told that there,s no money there for me is like you made a mistake with the number and some where please check it and send it back to me as soon as possible. Have a lovely day as i wait for your mail. Kiss and hug from me, Sarah |
Hello dear,
Thank you so much for your mail, i am so happy to hear from you now because i have been check my mail from time to time since morning because of this i have not been at rest today. How was your day? i know all is well, please i am really sorry for all the problems am giving to you all this days please forgive me OK,please dear you can use this address (NO 14 KOFI OWUSU HOUSE GHANA ACCRA) please dear don,t post it if you do it will take so long and i may not get it. Have a lovely evening as i wait for your mail. Kiss from me, Sarah |
Hello sweetheart,
Thank you so much for your mail, please dear i am still at work by now i can,t see any where to scam any the ID now but i know my passport can be used please tell as much as you can so that very thing will be ready so that i can go for it first thing in the morning and also book the ticket before going to the office so that as soon as i get to the office i will send you all the information,s, please i will be happy to hear from you again before i live the office tonight i will be living by 11:30pm is 9:30. please don,t worried about the name my full name is Mavis.s.Dickson but all there call me here is Sarah and that is what i always use. Hoping to hear from you soon. Love from me, Sarah |
Hello dear,
How are you doing today? i know you are fine,please dear i was hoping to hear from you this morning but nothing from you hope all is well i am really worried and sad because i don,t what to do for me as you can see we are getting to the weekend and i was hoping to get everything ready before the weekend, please i will be very happy to hear from you. Have a lovely day as i wait for your mail. Kiss and hug from me, Sarah |
Hello dear,
How was your day? i know it was fine, thank you so much for your mail i am very happy to hear from you, all day i was worried because i have not heard from you, please dear all my hope is in you don,t take away this joy and hope that you have giving me all this days you come into my life i have told all my friends and co_workers that i am living this weekend, please my love do all you can to help me out i know that is not going to be easy for you, please i am still waiting for your mail this evening. Have a lovely evening as i wait for your mail. Kiss and hug from me, Sarah |
Hello dear,
How are you doing today? i know you are fine, thank you so much for your and caring but something is wrong somewhere, please i went to the western union again today and i was told there,s no money please try and find out where the problem is so that i will not be going to western union just like that people there look at me as ever i don,t know what am doing hope you understand me i am not all that happy this morning after going there and coming out with nothing as you know i just have only two for me to starts my holidays. Have a lovely weekend as i wait for your mail. Kiss and hug from me, Sarah |
Hello dear,
How are you doing today? i know you are fine, please dear i was hoping to hear from you this morning but news from you is this the end of help. Dear, thank you so much for all you have done to give back joy and happiness in life again but is painful that things is still this way i really thank you with all my heart. Have a lovely weekend as i wait for your mail. Kiss and love from me, Sarah |
Hell dear, how are you doing today? I know your fine, please dear why did you do this to me since you know that you are not going to help me, all you did is to give all the hope in this world at the end you give wrong code for western union, anyway thank you so much for your time for me. Thanks, Sarah. |