Der Vorgang 402

Der erste Kontakt 402

Anzahl der Mails: 2

Es wurden insgesamt -- 2 -- Datensätze gefunden.
Как сте днес, надявам всичко е добре с
Вас и Вашето семейство? Моето име е Мис Жулиета
Въпреки това наистина ме радва да ти пиша за
прекрасно и искрено приятелство, дори ако не са
изпълнени или виждали преди. Аз ще бъда много оценявам
, за да видите вашия отговор скоро, така че можем да
споделяме снимки и научите повече за себе си. Аз ще оценят
спешно отговор от вас. С много любов от новия си приятел Жулиета.

Hello Dear.
How are you today, Hope all is well with
you and your family? My name is Miss Juliet
However it really pleases me to write you for a
lovely and sincere friendship even if we haven’t met
or seen each other before. I will be so much appreciate
to see your reply soon so that we can share pictures and
know more about ourselves. I shall appreciate an urgent
response from you. With lots of love from your new friend Juliet.
Hello dear,
How was your night over there in your country and the day, i believe you had a nice night and that the atmosphere over there in your country is very nice today? Mine was a little bit warm over here in Dakar Senegal.
My name is Juliet Williams i am 23yrs but age doesn t matter in a real relationship, so i am comfortable with your age,I am from Congo in Africa, 5.7ft tall, fair in complexion, single,(never married ) and presently i am residing here in Dakar.
I felt so happy reading your long interesting mail. Thanks for the mail and i understood everything you said and i have seen that you told me many things about yourself, but you didn t tell me about your likes and dislikes, hobbies etc.
I like faithful, caring, kind etc and dislike unfaithfulness, dishonest etc my
hobbies are cooking, reading music , sports etc and i would like to know more about you. I have seen your likes, dislikes and hobbies.
I can see you are also single and have been searching for the right person in your life.
Well that s everybodys dream to see his or her right man or woman in life and also
to make a good family.
Thanks for the pictures you sent to me, they are all nice and you look handsome on them. Men that don t give up always succeed in whatever they are planning, but giving up will never render any help. In addition, i can see you are a man of policy, by not trying to change your life style because of what the German women need in a man. Well i am also looking for a perfect man in my life that will love me with all his heart the way he love himself and his family.
Tell me, how about your family, father, mother, brothers and sisters. Seeking someone that will live with you over there is somehow hard at the same time somehow easy. But i wish to inform you that i will try to know more about you before talking about if i will come over there or if you can come to pick me up from here.
There is no way a man and a woman especially married or about to marry will live without sex, but it will be very legal and not any how.
I will be waiting to hear from you today.
Attached here are my pictures and i will like to see one of your current picture also okay.
Hoping to hear from you soonest
Yours sincerely,